There is No Other God

Scripture: Isaiah 44-45.  

(What is God saying here?)

Isaiah 45:21-23 (NLT)
21 Consult together, argue your case. Get together and decide what to say. Who made these things known so long ago? What idol ever told you they would happen? Was it not I, the LORD? For there is no other God but me, a righteous God and Savior. There is none but me.
22 Let all the world look to me for salvation! For I am God; there is no other.
23 I have sworn by my own name; I have spoken the truth, and I will never go back on my word: Every knee will bend to me, and every tongue will confess allegiance to me.”

(How Can I apply what God is saying here to my circumstances today?)

It seems like a common theme between these two chapters is that there is only one God and that beside Him there is no other. This actually comes directly from the Ten Commandments, but yet the Israelites needed reminding of this again, because they had lost sight of their Creator and had fallen to idols or manmade images that they could see and touch. God reminded these people of His power and His love that He had shown them so much over the years and that there should be no question in their minds. How is it with you friend? In spite of all that you have witnessed and experienced that you can attribute to the hand of God, do you still doubt Him when things don’t appear to be going your way? Do you still look to idols for answers or satisfaction – things like alcohol to satisfy your nerves, or television to get your mind off the pressures of the day, or gossip about the other person hoping instead to promote self? Friend, there is only one true God, why not place your full strength in Him today and allow Him full control of Your life? Look to His commands and instructions to decide on how you should live and how you should handle yourself in everyday circumstances. There is so much proven about our God already, there is no need to doubt His power or nothing that would prohibit your faith and trust in Him. Let Him be God and especially let Him perform His mighty works in you.

(With God’s help, what am I going to do differently today because He said it?)

Lord Jesus, too often we depend on things of this world that may have created temporary relief to us or things that we see our peers depending on, because they do not have the faith to depend on You. Please help me to keep my eyes so fixed on You that the things of this world will grow dim and of little value to me. I am convinced that You are the God of this creation, for You brought it into existence. I am convinced that You love me with a love that is unexplainable and uncomprehendable because You sacrificed Your only Son on Calvary so that I may be blessed with the wonderful gift of eternal life with You in heaven. So being reminded of Your love for me and of the power that is Yours, please help me to never doubt or never look elsewhere for answers or love, but to always place my faith and trust in You. Please tender the hearts of those that I know and love that do not know You as Lord and Savior of their lives, so that they too may come to a full and complete understanding and acceptance of You today.


àWords underlined may be a hyperlink to a song that God laid on my heart while sharing this devotional this morning. Click it and be blessed by the song, like I was when I listened to it! …… I would be overjoyed to have the opportunity to pray with you about a need in your life that may, or may not have been highlighted by this Nugget today. Why not drop me a note and tell me about it? You may email me at:

Reason for Celebration

Scripture: Titus 3.  

(What is God saying here?)

Titus 3:4-7 (NLT)
4 But—”When God our Savior revealed his kindness and love,
5 he saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit.
6 He generously poured out the Spirit upon us through Jesus Christ our Savior.
7 Because of his grace he declared us righteous and gave us confidence that we will inherit eternal life.”

(How Can I apply what God is saying here to my circumstances today?)

In Paul’s letter to Titus he prompted him on important biblical points that would help him in his ministry. I believe that this book is included in our Bibles because of similar ministry opportunities in our churches today. This ties in with our Bible study yesterday where we were reminded that our righteousness is nothing when it comes to saving us from our sins, and that it is only through our acceptance of the wonderful grace of Jesus and His mercy that we might be saved. Friends, this is THE most important decision you could make during your lifetime, for in doing so we are reminded in verse 7 that we could be assured of our eternal destination. Where are you at today? Been thinking about the condition of your soul but in a dilemma about how to correct the situation? These verses carry a powerful message. Perhaps God is leading you to make this most important decision today, while you still have breath in your body. Please call or stop by and visit with your pastor or other spiritual leader, or email me so that we may pray with you and guide you into reconciling your life with the Creator of all life, Jesus Christ. Not only will I rejoice with you, but the Bible teaches that the angels in heaven will rejoice when one gives their heart to the Lord! Be the reason for a celebration today!

(With God’s help, what am I going to do differently today because He said it?)

Father, I believe that You are speaking to the hearts of many today, because You want more than anything to see lost people come to know You as their personal Savior. Please soften the hardened hearts today so that they may have a desire to ask You into their heart. May this be a day of celebration for all the angels in heaven!


àWords underlined may be a hyperlink to a song that God laid on my heart while sharing this devotional this morning. Click it and be blessed by the song, like I was when I listened to it! …… I would be overjoyed to have the opportunity to pray with you about a need in your life that may, or may not have been highlighted by this Nugget today. Why not drop me a note and tell me about it? You may email me at:

Biblical Job Description for Women

Scripture: Titus 2.  

(What is God saying here?)

Titus 2:3-5 (NLT)
3 Similarly, teach the older women to live in a way that honors God. They must not slander others or be heavy drinkers. Instead, they should teach others what is good.
4 These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children,
5 to live wisely and be pure, to work in their homes, to do good, and to be submissive to their husbands. Then they will not bring shame on the word of God.

(How Can I apply what God is saying here to my circumstances today?)

In this second chapter of Titus it is loaded with instructions that Titus has been given to help him in his ministry. There are instruction that would help older men, young men, slaves, and of course women. In many of my devotionals I have highlighted teachings towards how men should be guided and subsequently live. Knowing that there are women who might also read this devotional, I didn’t want to bypass the opportunity to share with them what the Word teaches about how they should live. I saw a job description in the above verses for women:

  • Live in a way that honors God – wow, that’s a loaded point, for God was perfect. Perhaps it is being suggested that women should strive to be perfect, as their Master is perfect. In other words, do your very best to be obedient to the laws of God and strive in every way to be an example of Him.
  • Must not slander – lifting up another Christian lady is one thing, but often when one or more ladies get together they tend to talk about other ladies in a way that is opposite to lifting up. God made us all, so find ways to lift each other up instead of tearing down.
  • Must not be heavy drinkers – often heavy drinkers are ones looking for something to cover up the stress or troubles that bear on their minds. God expects us to bring those troubles to Him. Cast every care upon Him, the Word declares.
  • Teach others what is good – This can be through actual teaching of the Word, as in Sunday School, and in your everyday living.
  • Train younger women to love their husbands and their children – Of course this means that you must already be loving your husband and children, in order for you to help others do the same. Yes, you can always share with the younger women what the Word of God says, but for you to really teach that with meaning and impact, it really should be something that is already evident in your own life.
  • Live wisely – make wise decisions. Always seek God first before making important decisions.
  • Be pure – Don’t be a fake. Be pure in what you do versus what you say.
  • Work in your home – Your home is your castle. Always be proud to allow someone into your home, knowing that you have nothing to be ashamed of, because you are proud of your accomplishments in the home. Let it be a priority in your life.
  • Be submissive to your husband – this may be a sore subject to some because you feel like you are an equal with your husband. Friend, I didn’t make this one up because I am a man and a husband, I am merely quoting God’s Word. This is what God teaches in His Word. Your husband has an even greater responsibility to God, so don’t feel like all the emphasis is on your responsibility.

The results of doing all this and being obedient to God’s commands, is that you will please God because of your obedience. In fact, the last part of verse 5 says that as you do this you will not bring shame to the Word of God. The positive way of saying that is that you will please God. Wouldn’t this be a different world in which we live, if we were obedient to the commands of God? I will be the first to say “yes, and Amen”!

(With God’s help, what am I going to do differently today because He said it?)

Dear God, thank You for our ladies. Thank You for blessing us with companionship, with great mothers, with caring homemakers, with women who are determined to serve You and be obedient to You in all they do. We have a younger generation of girls coming up that need to see the example of their mothers, their teachers, their co-workers and their older female friends. Please bless the women in my life with wisdom from above, with power to overcome evil and worldly temptations, and with a deep yearning to live godly lives before their children and/or younger women that they are blessed to mentor. May these younger ones see Jesus very evident in the lives of those that are older than they are.


àWords underlined may be a hyperlink to a song that God laid on my heart while sharing this devotional this morning. Click it and be blessed by the song, like I was when I listened to it! …… I would be overjoyed to have the opportunity to pray with you about a need in your life that may, or may not have been highlighted by this Nugget today. Why not drop me a note and tell me about it? You may email me at:

All Things Work Together for __??

Scripture: Titus 1.  

(What is God saying here?)

Titus 1:15-16 (NLT)
15 Everything is pure to those whose hearts are pure. But nothing is pure to those who are corrupt and unbelieving, because their minds and consciences are corrupted.
16 Such people claim they know God, but they deny him by the way they live. They are detestable and disobedient, worthless for doing anything good.

(How Can I apply what God is saying here to my circumstances today?)

It is so interesting to look at the way that people react to certain circumstances. Some of us can see the good in things, yet others will easily spy out the negative, or the possible evil in circumstances. I believe that what Paul is teaching here is that when our hearts are pure – right with God, then we will be looking for the right, or good, in circumstances. Often we see so much negative in a circumstance that it is almost impossible for us to see any good that God might intend for us in that circumstance. In fact, if we were to stop for a moment when we see nothing but negative, and reflect on the latter part of verse 15, we will quickly realize that our minds and consciences must be corrupt, or we are allowing unbelief to slip into our minds. There’s actually another verse (Romans 8:28) that reminds us that all things work together and for good, to and for those who love God and are called according to His design and purpose. Let’s get our minds focused on Christ today, and be ready to see the good that He is working out in our lives and for His glory, even while the world is looking at the circumstance as the worst thing that could ever happen to us. To God be the glory, great things He has done!

(With God’s help, what am I going to do differently today because He said it?)

Lord Jesus, Your ways are not our ways, and many of our ways are definitely not Your ways. Please help me today to not allow my selfish ways to interfere in Your perfect will for my life and the good You are accomplishing in my life. Help me Lord to be a usable instrument for Your glory, and not a stumbling block.


àWords underlined may be a hyperlink to a song that God laid on my heart while sharing this devotional this morning. Click it and be blessed by the song, like I was when I listened to it! …… I would be overjoyed to have the opportunity to pray with you about a need in your life that may, or may not have been highlighted by this Nugget today. Why not drop me a note and tell me about it? You may email me at:

A Day is Coming When….

Scripture: Isaiah 33-35.  

(What is God saying here?)

Isaiah 35:5-7 (NLT)
5 And when he comes, he will open the eyes of the blind and unplug the ears of the deaf.
6 The lame will leap like a deer, and those who cannot speak will sing for joy! Springs will gush forth in the wilderness, and streams will water the wasteland.
7 The parched ground will become a pool, and springs of water will satisfy the thirsty land. Marsh grass and reeds and rushes will flourish where desert jackals once lived.

(How Can I apply what God is saying here to my circumstances today?)

I don’t know about you, but anytime I think about the end times, I think about the glory of seeing my Savior and the joy that will be ours that know Him and have accepted Him as Lord of our lives. These verses go a step further to talk about how different things will be in all aspects of life, as we know them today. Just imagine that:

  • For those who are blind today, their sight will be restored;
  • For those that are deaf today, it will be as if a plug has been removed from their ears, for they will hear perfectly;
  • For those who are lame today, they will have such strength and mobility in their legs that they will leap like a deer;
  • For those who are mute and cannot speak, they will sing for joy;
  • For the wasteland that we leave undeveloped, springs will gush forward in the wilderness and streams will water the wasteland;
  • For the desert and the parched grounds that we dread thinking about ever crossing today, this land will be blessed with springs of water that will satisfy its dry and thirsty land!

Friends, I would say that we have a lot to look forward to. A lot for which we can rejoice in today, for we are making decisions today that will determine if we will witness the joys mentioned above, for heaven is reserved for those that have accepted Jesus as Lord of their life. There is so much more mentioned in the book of Revelations about what we can expect in Heaven, but in reading these verses this morning, I was reminded that
a glorious day is coming when my Jesus I shall see
! Are you making preparations today to ensure your future is secured? Please email me if I can help you feel more secure about your eternity.

(With God’s help, what am I going to do differently today because He said it?)

Thank You Lord Jesus for securing my eternity. Thank You for making such a sacrifice for me and for prompting me to make the most important decision of my life, to accept You as my Lord and personal Savior. Now I can look forward to that day of which Isaiah hinted in this passage highlighted here today. Wow, what a day that will be, when my Jesus I shall see! Please humble the hearts of those that I love and care for today Lord, so that they too might join me in walking through the pearly gates of heaven and seeing You face to face in all of Your glory.


àWords underlined may be a hyperlink to a song that God laid on my heart while sharing this devotional this morning. Click it and be blessed by the song, like I was when I listened to it! …… I would be overjoyed to have the opportunity to pray with you about a need in your life that may, or may not have been highlighted by this Nugget today. Why not drop me a note and tell me about it? You may email me at:

Remain Faithful To The End

Scripture: 1 Timothy 4.  

(What is God saying here?)

2 Timothy 4:6-8 (NLT)
6 As for me, my life has already been poured out as an offering to God. The time of my death is near.
7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful.
8 And now the prize awaits me—the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on the day of his return. And the prize is not just for me but for all who eagerly look forward to his appearing.

(How Can I apply what God is saying here to my circumstances today?)

In a world where divorce rates are just as high among Christian couples as it is among the unsaved, meaning that one or both of the parties can no longer commit to the promises made in their marriage vows. A world where churches are closing its doors as a result of Christians not getting along, or they no longer tithe to support the work of the church, or they can no longer commit to the work of the church because they are doing OK on their own without Jesus or His followers, or more important things have taken priority in their lives. Yes, with all this going on amongst Christians, is it any wonder why most of us cannot truly repeat the words of Paul in verse 7 honestly before the Lord? In our marriage vows we commit to be faithful to our spouse until parted by death. Surely our commitment to God when we ask for His forgiveness and salvation is no less. I believe that if at the end of each day, or at the end of each week, we could analyze our commitment and our faithfulness for the time spent with God and in His service, we would be a much better people. I could only imagine that our reconciliation with God each day or each week would be something like the prayer below…

(With God’s help, what am I going to do differently today because He said it?)

I acknowledge dear God that, yes my goal was to be faithful to You in service today, or in my commitment to You this week, but Lord You know of my failures and I plead for Your forgiveness. Please forgive me for my selfishness, my failure to make You first in all that I did, for overextending myself and therefore crowding my time with You or in some cases bypassing my time with You. Please forgive me for my shortcomings in my faithfulness to You. Forgive me for allowing my commitment to You to take a lower priority in my life. Because You are number One in my life, I need You to be top priority in my life. Because of my failures today/this week, it is obvious that I need You to empower me with Your strength to overcome everything that tends to interfere with my commitment, for I truly want to be able to repeat verse 7 honestly before You the next time we meet – I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful. Thank You for loving me anyway, and thank You for the confidence I feel in knowing that You will help me with my commitment.


àWords underlined may be a hyperlink to a song that God laid on my heart while sharing this devotional this morning. Click it and be blessed by the song, like I was when I listened to it! …… I would be overjoyed to have the opportunity to pray with you about a need in your life that may, or may not have been highlighted by this Nugget today. Why not drop me a note and tell me about it? You may email me at:

Preparing for Great Work

Scripture: 2 Timothy 3.  

(What is God saying here?)

2 Timothy 3:14-17 (NLT)
14 But you must remain faithful to the things you have been taught. You know they are true, for you know you can trust those who taught you.
15 You have been taught the Holy Scriptures from childhood, and they have given you the wisdom to receive the salvation that comes by trusting in Christ Jesus.
16 All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.
17 God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.

(How Can I apply what God is saying here to my circumstances today?)

Isn’t it awful how we know the truth, and the right thing to do, yet we allow Satan to have his way with us and follow a path that leads to no good? We are reminded in this passage today that we must remain faithful to what we have been taught. After all, we trusted those that taught us, so now let us be faithful to all that we were taught. Not only have we been taught from childhood, but there are mentors in our lives today that continue to affirm what we have been taught. We are constantly reminded of these right principles when we dig into God’s Word and truly seek His presence and His anointing on our life. And what are we supposed to do with all this nurturing? Verse 17 says that God is equipping us to do every good work, and I believe that this is work designed at mentoring others and teaching others the Way. Our lives are an open book to those around us, so we are teaching others something. I trust that it is the wonderful grace, mercy, humbleness and love of the Savior that first loved us and demonstrated that love at Calvary. Do you have a mentor, or someone that you look up to each day? If not, then I would suggest that you expand the group of friends that you are hanging out with. If you don’t have one that you call your own, find a local Bible-teaching church so that you could connect with other believers/mentors and grow together in the love and admonition of God’s Holy Word.

(With God’s help, what am I going to do differently today because He said it?)

Lord Jesus, we are so blessed to have a Savior who loves us anyway – meaning that you love us in spite of our selfish desires and ungodly ways. Thank You for providing the text book that guides us to overcome the weaknesses and selfish desires of our ungodly ways, and to find a better way, a way that leads us to life eternally in heaven with You. Please give us strength today to overcome the weaknesses that beset us and prevent us from growing in You and living a life pleasing to You. Lord, I want to be just like You!


àWords underlined may be a hyperlink to a song that God laid on my heart while sharing this devotional this morning. Click it and be blessed by the song, like I was when I listened to it! …… I would be overjoyed to have the opportunity to pray with you about a need in your life that may, or may not have been highlighted by this Nugget today. Why not drop me a note and tell me about it? You may email me at:

For Those Who are Righteous

Scripture: Isaiah 26.  

(What is God saying here?)

Isaiah 26:7-8 (NLT)
7 But for those who are righteous, the way is not steep and rough. You are a God who does what is right, and you smooth out the path ahead of them.
8 LORD, we show our trust in you by obeying your laws; our heart’s desire is to glorify your name.

(How Can I apply what God is saying here to my circumstances today?)

I have often heard that the Christian walk is not for the weak, because we will face many challenges because of our stand that always opposes Satan. I believe that verse 7 helps to clear this up a little, for I am reminded that my first statement is only true if we are not righteous (right with God). In fact, it is rewarding to be reminded that because I am righteous, the way is not steep and rough, because my God does what is right and He will smooth out the path ahead of me. Wow, how encouraging is that friend? Verse 8 goes on to build on that ‘righteousness’ mentioned in verse 7. To show us how we might be righteous and how we might show our trust in God, we are told that it is through obeying His laws and we will have a heart’s desire to glorify His name. So friend, we are we at today? Are we righteous? Do we obey God’s laws? Do we have a heart that desires to glorify God?

(With God’s help, what am I going to do differently today because He said it?)

Lord God, I am truly thankful that You provide the boldness, strength and direction to live a righteous and dedicated life that yearns to glorify God in all that I do. Thank You for reminding me this morning of how this may be accomplished. It is hard to imagine that I could ever be righteous, especially before You – the ultimate expression of righteousness. Thank You for reminding me of the source of my righteousness and that the way to attain righteousness is not steep and rough, because of all that You do to smooth the path ahead of me. You are the ultimate God of peace and love. Thank You for providing us with the opportunity to live our lives in peace and in expressing ultimate love in all that we do and say.


àWords underlined may be a hyperlink to a song that God laid on my heart while sharing this devotional this morning. Click it and be blessed by the song, like I was when I listened to it! …… I would be overjoyed to have the opportunity to pray with you about a need in your life that may, or may not have been highlighted by this Nugget today. Why not drop me a note and tell me about it? You may email me at:

Godly Principles for Dealing with Difficult People

Scripture: 2 Timothy 2.  

(What is God saying here?)

2 Timothy 2:24 (NLT)
24 A servant of the Lord must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone, be able to teach, and be patient with difficult people.

(How Can I apply what God is saying here to my circumstances today?)

In the preceding verses we are reminded that if we keep ourselves pure, we will be a special utensil for honorable use. That our lives will be clean and we will be ready for the Master to use us for every good work. I believe that with this pure heart and with pure intentions, we will be in great shape to be used by the Master, especially in our handling of difficult people. I would be willing to bet that most of us can think of at least one difficult person in our pathway of life that we would just as soon ignore, stay out of their path or even move them to another planet! However, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Paul is teaching us here how a servant of God must:

  1. Not quarrel, and I believe that this especially includes that we not quarrel with the difficult individual;
  2. Be especially kind, and I believe that this especially includes that we be kind to the difficult individual;
  3. Be able to teach, and I believe that this especially include if that difficult individual wound up under the sound of our teaching, but in a more practical sense, I bet Paul was also saying that if we are stronger in the faith, more pure in our walk, not quarrelsome but especially kind, then we could really teach/show the difficult person a better way to act;
  4. Be patient with the difficult person. I don’t believe that Paul is suggesting that we let the person run all over us, but sometimes it is better to let the difficult person get something off their chest, instead of us challenging them in everything they say or do.

I believe that the most important thing we can do, is to look at a person’s heart and be so concerned about their eternal destiny, that we could overlook almost anything. If we are not careful, sometimes we could actually provoke a difficult person into being more difficult or challenging to deal with, instead of loving them into a better way.

(With God’s help, what am I going to do differently today because He said it?)

Lord, I pray that I will not be a stumbling block to anyone today, especially to those considered difficult to deal with. I believe that it is so much more important that I allow You to work through me to reach the heart of the individuals that I come into contact with. I believe that it is also important that I allow You to show Your love through me, even to difficult people, so that You can show them a better way. Please help me to be so attuned to Your will and way today that others will see glimpses of Jesus in all that I say and do and in the ways that I act, and react to situations today.


àWords underlined may be a hyperlink to a song that God laid on my heart while sharing this devotional this morning. Click it and be blessed by the song, like I was when I listened to it! …… I would be overjoyed to have the opportunity to pray with you about a need in your life that may, or may not have been highlighted by this Nugget today. Why not drop me a note and tell me about it? You may email me at:

Fan Into Flames the Spiritual Gifts Given to You

Scripture: 2 Timothy 1.  

(What is God saying here?)

2 Timothy 1:6-7 (NLT)
6 This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you.
7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.

(How Can I apply what God is saying here to my circumstances today?)

This chapter is filled with nuggets, but these two verses especially spoke to me. I’m afraid that too often Christians become so laid back and satisfied, that we tend to reflect on the outpouring that was once given by Christ, and that those gifts have since been used up in our lives and perhaps others will now kick in because of their new-found faith. Friends that is just not biblical. I believe that all of us will agree that we serve a living God. To me this means that I begin each new day serving a living God who loves me more today than He did yesterday, who has a new work for me today because of those that He will place in my path, and He will give me new insights and power to deal with the challenges and opportunities that I will be faced with today. Friends, Jesus is alive today, and because He lives in my heart, I am convinced that His mighty power will be revealed through me today, and in fresh new ways. Sunday School teacher – be open to what God will say through you to your students next Sunday. He has a fresh new revelation for you each day, and He will guide you into new truths each day. Allow His holy presence to renew that flame within you so that you could share what He wants you to do today. This may coincidentally be the same as what your grandfather told you was gifted to him 25 years ago, but I can assure you that God is able, and will enable you with a fresh anointing that will be so current and so applicable to the individuals and circumstances that you will face today. Trust wholeheartedly in God and allow His fresh, current, dynamic Holy Spirit to work in your life today.

(With God’s help, what am I going to do differently today because He said it?)

Lord Jesus, I pray that You will forgive me for the times that I base my walk on what others may have shared about You and about their walk with You. While that may be encouraging and reassuring to me, I need a fresh touch from You today and a refreshing reminder of the gifts that You have blessed me with. As I fan into flames the gifts You have blessed me with, I am reminded that these are used so that You may be lifted up and to see others blessed. Please allow me to use my gifts today in such powerful ways that it will be very evident in whom I believe, to rejoice each day and to do this in ways that will bring You everlasting joy. People need the Lord. Father, please help me to be of service today in helping folk resolve the mystery of locating you and accepting You as Lord.


àWords underlined may be a hyperlink to a song that God laid on my heart while sharing this devotional this morning. Click it and be blessed by the song, like I was when I listened to it! …… I would be overjoyed to have the opportunity to pray with you about a need in your life that may, or may not have been highlighted by this Nugget today. Why not drop me a note and tell me about it? You may email me at: