Marriage Without Divorce

Post Date:

Tuesday, 2017-02-28


Matthew 19:3-6 (Voice)


So some Pharisees approached Jesus and asked Him this tricky question about divorce:

Pharisees: Is it ever lawful for a man to divorce his wife?

Jesus: Haven’t you read that in the beginning God created humanity male and female? Don’t you remember what the story of our creation tells us about marriage? “For this reason, a man will leave his mother and father and cleave to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” If a husband and wife are one flesh, how can they divorce? Divorce would be a bloody amputation, would it not? “What God has brought together, let no man separate.”

To question charges for a driving infraction, one would go before a judge. To question about a Christian wedding, or marital problems, where God was invited to be a part of that three-party agreement, one would go to God, and/or His Word to understand the implications. This was the case with the Pharisees, for they wanted to know about the implications of breaking that three-party agreement. As in other areas of questioning Jesus, He quoted scripture to answer man’s questions.
Some of you might skip right over this devotional after reading the subject, because you are afraid that there may be so much of my own feelings debated in this blog that you really don’t want to hear it, perhaps again. One of the beauties of reading through the Bible, vs choosing specific topics, is that you will come across every topic addressed in the Bible. Of course you can choose to ignore some topics and just move on, but what I share with you each morning friends, are things that I feel God lays on my heart. I am convinced that these things first speak to my own heart, but I believe that God has me share these thoughts so that He might also use my thoughts to penetrate your heart and speak Truth to you. Sin has become so rampant in our world, and most people have become so tolerable of sin, that we often find ways to condone many things, among Christian circles and even in our churches. I am convinced that the Bible is our Rule Book, and it makes no consideration for the acts of sinful man, but instead gives us the words of God that addresses all of our actions, thoughts and questions. The main reason we (Christians) should have for going to a counselor, or a pastor, is to seek help in finding out how the Word of God addresses our situation. Remember, it’s our Rule Book! Unfortunately, we concoct enough to build our case as to why we believe we are right, because we want someone to validate, or take our side, so that our sin won’t hurt so badly. Friends, I believe that the moment we feel like sin is affecting either spouse, we must address it then – urgently. For sin is similar to a boil, it starts out small and it will irate just a little, but very soon it becomes an eating sore where it erodes the area of our body and infects our whole being. Friends, I am happily married, so it may seem like it must be easy for me to say all of the above, but may I remind you that sin affects us all, and it is only through a close, daily, and committed relationship with God that we stand a chance of learning from Him, seeking His help with life and His direction for every walk of life. Although some of you might be perfect in this area, I must admit that this is a daily walk for me. I need Christ in all areas of my life, and I need His help and guidance every day and in every aspect of life. May I recommend that you do the same, for I strongly believe that it is through Christ alone that we can live a life that would come close to imitating Him. I would also like to extend an invitation to all those who live near Sebring, Florida, to attend a monthly group meeting for couples at Bible Fellowship Church, Hammock Rd, Sebring, FL, the 4th Sunday of every month at 5:00pm. This might encourage you in your marriage, or you might encourage some else. Why not join us and allow God to do His work in your marriage!
Father, thank You for loving us enough to create areas of happiness in our lives, then to provide the Rule Book on how we might best participate and enjoy all that You have created for us. Thank You for our spouses and for the happiness, contentment and friendship that we enjoy together in having You at the center of our lives and our relationships. Please forgive us for the many times that we have tried to have our own way and do our own thing. Although this often ends in disaster, we thank You for intervening in time to save our marriages. Please continue to impress upon Your children the importance of a daily encounter with You, so that we might become more aligned with Your ways and Your rules for life. We want to be more like You Jesus, so we humbly place ourselves at Your feet for a deep infilling of Your Holy Spirit. Use us for Your glory until we see You face to face. AMEN!
There are two more pages on my blog that will provide you with additional information, one of them being ‘To Know Jesus’.  If you have been challenged to make a decision today after reading this devotional, please click on the above page, or speak with a local Bible Teaching Pastor, or contact me at Please allow someone to pray with you and give you help and/or encouragement as you begin, or continue your walk with Jesus. Words underlined in my blog could indicate a link to a song that came to mind as I wrote the devotional. Feel free to click on the link and listen as you continue to read or pray. If this devotional was forwarded to you and you would like to see more, please go to Nuggets From God’s Word and read more, or you may freely to subscribe for a daily email conveniently containing each day’s devotional. If you are anywhere near the Highlands County, Florida area and do not have a church home, I would be thrilled to welcome you at Bible Fellowship Church, located at 3750 Hammock Rd, Sebring, FL 33872! Click the link to check out service times and/or other special activities. God is at work among us! Please consider coming to worship with us!

A Compassionate Heart

Post Date:

Monday, 2017-02-27


Genesis 50:19-21 (TLB)


19 But Joseph told them, “Don’t be afraid of me. Am I God, to judge and punish you? 20 As far as I am concerned, God turned into good what you meant for evil, for he brought me to this high position I have today so that I could save the lives of many people. 21 No, don’t be afraid. Indeed, I myself will take care of you and your families.” And he spoke very kindly to them, reassuring them.
Joseph had all the reason in the world to bring revenge on his brothers, and he had the power to simply say the word, and they would have been eliminated. Instead he chose to look at all that God had accomplished through him, in spite of all that his brothers had cruelly forced on him. A sincere man of God who showed the compassion of God under extreme circumstances.
It takes a great man/woman of God to withold revenge when they’ve been hurt, and instead to give God glory for all that He did even through circumstances that seemed extremely awful to them. There is another excellent example of this given in my New Testament reading today. In Matthew 18:26 and following, we see the story of a servant who received forgiveness of a huge debt that he owed, yet he was unable to forgive his debtor who owed him money. Just the complete opposite to the example of Joseph. Notice the difference, one case ended in forgiveness and with a true example of God, the One who gave His very own Son to pay the price for our sin. Using His God-given strength, He could have avoided the cross, plus He had every reason to seek revenge against those who had Him crucified, but instead He did the Father’s will so that we might have eternal life. In the other example, we see the heart of bitter, ungodly men today, for this world does a great job in teaching mankind about selfish desires and ungodly revenge. Which of these are closest to the response you might give to those who seek to offend you? Hopefully you have decided to seek God’s face for His leading in your life to best handle situations that may portray His compassionate heart. Please allow me to introduce you to my Savior. I really want you to know about this awesome Jesus of mine who not only shows compassion to His followers, but also has the power to help us be more like Him in being compassionate to even the vilest offenders that may cross our path today. There is scripture included in the link behind the words ‘To Know Jesus’ below, please take time to read what the Bible has to say about your salvation. Otherwise, please feel free to contact me via email or see a local Bible teaching pastor who would gladly show you the way to heaven. Showing compassion to one another is a means of proving that your relaionship with the primary Compassionate One, is evident.
Lord Jesus, I believe that the world is dying to see a difference in Your children, compared to the rest of this cruel world. Thank You for the lesson in being compassionate today, and the great example through Your servant Joseph, who had every reason to lash back at his brothers, and had every authority at his command to totally destroy them. Yet as a man under Your authority, seeking to be like You in every way, chose to humble himself and praise You for the work You accomplished through him, rather than paying back through revenge. Lord, I strongly believe that we must seek Your powerful hand to help us in circumstances like this, because even in circumstances of forgiveness we still want You to be glorified. Although I might be first at your throne today in response to this lesson, I pray that You might also touch the hearts of each of my readers today and fill us with a heart like Yours, one that will show compassion and God’s love in every response that we give today. I ask these things humbly dear Lord, but also boldly knowing that You can humble even the vilest offender. May Your children be great imitators of their loving and compassionate Savior today, beginning with me, for this is my humble prayer oh Lord, AMEN!
There are two more pages on my blog that will provide you with additional information, one of them being ‘To Know Jesus’.  If you have been challenged to make a decision today after reading this devotional, please click on the above page, or speak with a local Bible Teaching Pastor, or contact me at Please allow someone to pray with you and give you help and/or encouragement as you begin, or continue your walk with Jesus. Words underlined in my blog could indicate a link to a song that came to mind as I wrote the devotional. Feel free to click on the link and listen as you continue to read or pray. If this devotional was forwarded to you and you would like to see more, please go to Nuggets From God’s Word and read more, or you may freely to subscribe for a daily email conveniently containing each day’s devotional. If you are anywhere near the Highlands County, Florida area and do not have a church home, I would be thrilled to welcome you at Bible Fellowship Church, located at 3750 Hammock Rd, Sebring, FL 33872! Click the link to check out service times and/or other special activities. God is at work among us! Please consider coming to worship with us!

The God Who Protects Us!

Post Date:

Saturday, 2017-02-25


Psalm 18:1-3 (TLB)


1 Lord, how I love you! For you have done such tremendous things for me.The Lord is my fort where I can enter and be safe; no one can follow me in and slay me. He is a rugged mountain where I hide; he is my Savior, a rock where none can reach me, and a tower of safety. He is my shield. He is like the strong horn of a mighty fighting bull. All I need to do is cry to him—oh, praise the Lord—and I am saved from all my enemies!

David had been rescued from battle after battle, and he sat down and considered the source of his protection, support and wisdom, and exploded with a sacrifice of praise to the only God, the One who was so gracious to him. He acknowledged that God stepped in and saved him from his enemies whenever he cried out to Him, and now his heart was so filled with thanksgiving and praise that it appears like there may not be enough descriptive words to serve the purpose! How are we doing in this area of life?
We hear about folk traveling hundreds of miles to be touched by a TV evangelist who has been known to heal attendees of crippling deceases, and we hear of prayer meetings where we are encouraged to bring our petitions and our needs before the Lord, but how often do we remember to return to the altar and lay our hearts out before God in awesome praise and adoration, having recognized Him as the Healer, or Provider, or Miracle Worker in our personal situation that we had laid before Him in prayer? As a kid, we were taught that it is good and proper to say ‘thank you’ after being blessed with a gift from someone. But how often do we return to God to acknowledge His holiness and His awesome blessings to us? Friends, may I encourage you to acknowledge God for His mighty works, and stop attributing your successes, recoveries and wins over serious deceases to ‘good luck’ or ‘your special moment’ or any other avoidance of praising God? If you took time to pray for God’s intervention in your serious situation, and you see a breakthrough in that situation, please acknowledge the One that you asked to help in the first place. I believe that each day results in multiple ways that we can stop and praise the Lord – protection while traveling the road of life; the doctors who helped us overcome serious illness; loved ones who encourage and bless us every day; food to eat and the comfort of our homes. Let’s not take those things for granted. God blessed us with then, and He knows what we need and when we need them. Let’s acknowledge Him in all things each and every day, and let’s not forget to thank those that God has placed in our path, so that they also might be blessed and appreciated by us. God is so good, and in so many ways. Let’s praise Him for who He is and for all that He does!
Lord Jesus, You are so good to us and so often we neglect in returning thanks and appreciation for all that You do. Please forgive us for our ungratefulness. Lord, may we learn from David and be more moved by Your Spirit to return to the throne of grace and offer up our praises to You on a regular basis. As recognized in my ‘Application’ above, You look out for us each and every day, and You bless us more than we could possibly deserve every day. Thank You Father for Your awesome love for us and for all that You do for us. May we be more like David in an example of a grateful and appreciative child of the King. AMEN!
There are two more pages on my blog that will provide you with additional information, one of them being ‘To Know Jesus’.  If you have been challenged to make a decision today after reading this devotional, please click on the above page, or speak with a local Bible Teaching Pastor, or contact me at Please allow someone to pray with you and give you help and/or encouragement as you begin, or continue your walk with Jesus. Words underlined in my blog could indicate a link to a song that came to mind as I wrote the devotional. Feel free to click on the link and listen as you continue to read or pray. If this devotional was forwarded to you and you would like to see more, please go to Nuggets From God’s Word and read more, or you may freely to subscribe for a daily email conveniently containing each day’s devotional. If you are anywhere near the Highlands County, Florida area and do not have a church home, I would be thrilled to welcome you at Bible Fellowship Church, located at 3750 Hammock Rd, Sebring, FL 33872! Click the link to check out service times and/or other special activities. God is at work among us! Please consider coming to worship with us!

Humility and Dependence

Post Date:

Friday, 2017-02-24


Matthew 18:2–5 (NCV)


2 Jesus called a little child to him and stood the child before his followers. 3 Then he said, “I tell you the truth, you must change and become like little children. Otherwise, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 The greatest person in the kingdom of heaven is the one who makes himself humble like this child.
5 “Whoever accepts a child in my name accepts me.

At the very time that the disciples thought to get the children out of their way, Jesus called them to Himself and illustrated the characteristics of a child that mankind should learn from. We will look at ways to apply these principles…
In life, parents and other family members try so hard to teach young children how to be just like them – in words (manners) and in actions (smiles and in looking at you). Isn’t that ironic, for Jesus taught that we (adults) should really learn a thing or two from children also! Some translations declare Jesus as saying that unless you become like a little child. This version today reads that we must change (from our normal, worldly character) to that of a child. Think about it friends, as adults we are taught to avoid strangers – is there ever a stranger in a young child’s eyes? As an adult we are taught to be careful who we show affection towards – I believe that a child will love on anyone, in any place, at any time, no matter who’s in the audience; As an adult our biggest objective is to become independent, even from God at times, as we will always try to do everything ourselves first, and only turn to God if we need help – as a child they are totally dependent, and has no qualms about it, for they will cry or yell for what they want; Adults are taught to trust no one, because everyone is out to get them – a child will jump from a wall into the arms of a parent or caretaker without a second thought, and they will depend on them for food, shelter or other provisions without ever questioning how, or why. Friends, it always takes a humble spirit to accept the fact that you need someone to help you, yes even to acknowledge that you need the help of God in your everyday decisions, provisions and direction of life itself. I believe that God loves His children passionately and wants so badly to help us achieve the best out of life. In fact, I believe that He even wants to fill us with His divine power to be duplicates of himself in ministering to the needs of others. However, God also knows that it would not be good for us to pollute the world with more of our sinful ways, so He wants us to draw close to Him and allow Him to control our lives, so that we might become one with Him. In this way, with Christ in us, as we share with others, we will actually allow Christ to share His love through us. How is it with you friend? Do you know my Jesus? Have you surrendered your life to His control, like a child? While I would suggest that you click on the link below ‘To Know Jesus’ and read the scripture references included, I would also offer my willingness to pray with you, if needed or desired. Please drop me a quick note and allow me to be your prayer partner.
Lord Jesus, thank You for being God, and thank You for being our heavenly Father. Thank You for caring for even adults, especially those who think that they have everything worked out on their own. For us to accept Your help, we must become like a child again – with outstretched arms and hearts. Please continue to work with us on this Jesus, so that we might always be willing to humble ourselves and look to You for help, for guidance, for reassurance, for direction, and for a character that mirrors You in every way. No matter how independent we may feel like we are, others clearly recognize when You are missing. We want to be effective witnesses and ambassadors for You Lord, please help us to always humble ourselves like a child and accept the help that You lovingly offer. AMEN! 
There are two more pages on my blog that will provide you with additional information, one of them being ‘To Know Jesus’.  If you have been challenged to make a decision today after reading this devotional, please click on the above page, or speak with a local Bible Teaching Pastor, or contact me at Please allow someone to pray with you and give you help and/or encouragement as you begin, or continue your walk with Jesus. Words underlined in my blog could indicate a link to a song that came to mind as I wrote the devotional. Feel free to click on the link and listen as you continue to read or pray. If this devotional was forwarded to you and you would like to see more, please go to Nuggets From God’s Word and read more, or you may freely to subscribe for a daily email conveniently containing each day’s devotional. If you are anywhere near the Highlands County, Florida area and do not have a church home, I would be thrilled to welcome you at Bible Fellowship Church, located at 3750 Hammock Rd, Sebring, FL 33872! Click the link to check out service times and/or other special activities. God is at work among us! Please consider coming to worship with us!

A Test of Your Faith

Post Date:

Thursday, 2017-02-23


Matthew 17:19-21 (Voice)


19 Later, when they were away from the crowds, the disciples asked Jesus why they hadn’t been able to drive out the demon themselves.

Jesus: 20 Because you have so little faith. I tell you this: if you had even a faint spark of faith, even faith as tiny as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and because of your faith, the mountain would move. If you had just a sliver of faith, you would find nothing impossible. [21 But this kind is not realized except through much prayer and fasting.]

One could only imagine the frustration that the disciples must have felt when they kept receiving hints from Jesus that they could do what He does, and yet they felt so powerless at times. This particular incident was one of those cases, for a man presented his epileptic son for healing, and the disciples were totally helpless. Let’s examine why…
There were so many things that Jesus did that might be compared to magic today. It may seem to some that they merely say the word and the lame will walk again and the blind will once again see like you and I. However, I believe that Jesus clears this up for us in these verses. If the power was truly given to us to bring about healing, why would one need Jesus, or to know about His Father? First of all, we must remember that as His children, we are merely messengers of the Almighty God. Meaning that God still does the healing, and not us. Often mankind is out to win the battle and claim the victory personally, and that is not the way that God works. I remember gathering with others to pray down God’s blessings on upcoming revival services, and that hearts that had become hardened, would be touched by God and drawn back to Him. By the time the revival services began, I remember looking down the aisle with expectation and anticipation of individuals walking the aisle who we had prayed diligently and desperately for.  The praise and rejoicing went to the Father as we saw results though, because we prayed to Him asking Him to move in their hearts. So to see ones walk the aisle meant that God had accomplished His work as a result of our prayers and His perfect will for the individuals we prayed for. In the verses we are looking at today, we are reminded that verse 21 was not included in some ancient manuscripts, but I believe it was inserted later to help us understand that miracles are still a work of the Almighty, and if we are sincere about our requests to Him, then we must be earnest in our prayers to Him about the individual or the situation. Friends, when we are willing to do more than just mere words. When we are deeply convicted and are ready to seek God’s face over a situation. When it becomes a priority to us, enough that we are willing to seek His face more than some other pleasure in life, then I believe Jesus recognizes the earnestness of our prayers and the deep desires of our heart. Are you ready to take a need before the Lord in such earnest today? If so, God assures us that it could be as big of a challenge as moving a mountain from one location to another, for nothing is impossible with God! Let’s get serious about the needs that we pray about, and be willing to commit more than just words to the need. Our God is able, if we are willing!
Dear God, we have become so trivial with our promises to pray, that our promise to pray for a Brother or Sister just rolls off the tongue. Sometimes we make promises to pray, and then allow the busyness of life to take over, and overwhelm the promise we made to pray. At other times we are challenged to put our all into the request because of our lack of concern, or perhaps because of our lack of faith in the Father who can do ALL things. Please forgive us Lord, and fill us with hearts like Yours, where we are willing to sacrifice, or fast, and pray to the Father over the needs we might have. Thank You for the awesome powerful God that You are! Please give us renewed strength, boldness and power to pray as You did, Lord Jesus. AMEN!
There are two more pages on my blog that will provide you with additional information, one of them being ‘To Know Jesus’.  If you have been challenged to make a decision today after reading this devotional, please click on the above page, or speak with a local Bible Teaching Pastor, or contact me at Please allow someone to pray with you and give you help and/or encouragement as you begin, or continue your walk with Jesus. Words underlined in my blog could indicate a link to a song that came to mind as I wrote the devotional. Feel free to click on the link and listen as you continue to read or pray. If this devotional was forwarded to you and you would like to see more, please go to Nuggets From God’s Word and read more, or you may freely to subscribe for a daily email conveniently containing each day’s devotional. If you are anywhere near the Highlands County, Florida area and do not have a church home, I would be thrilled to welcome you at Bible Fellowship Church, located at 3750 Hammock Rd, Sebring, FL 33872! Click the link to check out service times and/or other special activities. God is at work among us! Please consider coming to worship with us!

Through Our Actions, Who do we Say Jesus Is?

Post Date:

Tuesday, 2017-02-21


Matthew 16:15-17 (NCV)


15 Then Jesus asked them, “And who do you say I am?”
16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”
17 Jesus answered, “You are blessed, Simon son of Jonah, because no person taught you that. My Father in heaven showed you who I am.
Because Peter was first asked who others were saying Jesus is, it almost seemed like Peter was being tempted to respond like the world and therefore respond to Jesus’ question along the same lines of what he felt like others were saying. However, Peter, led by the Holy Spirit, responded to Jesus’ question appropriately, but it sure does open the eyes of believers that followed Peter to stop and ponder what they truly believe! 
I wonder how many of us today would respond to a question like Jesus posed to Peter. I wonder how many of us would have a scriptural response for Jesus, and possibly the preacher, but a slightly different response for our unsaved friends, and an altogether politically correct response, if asked in public in the presence of the authorities. Friends, we are called on daily to show the world who Jesus is to us. Think about it. When we are asked to respond to a crisis, do we automatically panic and display our worry that the world is coming to an end because we can’t see clearly what’s ahead of the fast train that could easily jump the tracks? What about right inside of the church (with other believers) how do you respond when someone is about to desecrate another believer who is struggling with a situation? How do you respond to an individual who is very ‘needy’, not necessarily financially, but one who can’t see light at the end of their long, dark tunnel. There’s a lot less stress to just run in the opposite direction, and many of us choose that option, but is that really what Jesus would have done? I wonder what Jesus must truly think at the end of the day after having watched what you and I told the world who it is that we honestly serve and evangelize? I could only imagine that some days I would be honestly ashamed of what Jesus would say about me. How about you friend? From the very depths of our hearts we speak and react. I believe it is time for us to really fill our hearts with more, and more, and more of Jesus? Will you commit to this along with me?
Oh Lord Jesus, please open Your loving arms to this weak and sinful son, for I am afraid that way too often I reflect a very poor image of who you truly are. I’m afraid that folk must sometimes walk away from me assuming that you are mean, selfish, stuck up with pride, unwilling to speak to the poor and lowly, uncaring and unloving. Please forgive me Lord, for I want my heart, my mind and my life so filled with You that You will spill forth from every word I speak and every action, each and every day. Lord, may I ask that You also tender the hearts of my readers so that they may also examine themselves and be prepared to face those who need proof of a Savior today. May there be no doubt that You are alive in us and may the world recognize that, and have a desire to know the Lord that we love, adore and aim to portray every day. AMEN!
There are two more pages on my blog that will provide you with additional information, one of them being ‘To Know Jesus’.  If you have been challenged to make a decision today after reading this devotional, please click on the above page, or speak with a local Bible Teaching Pastor, or contact me at Please allow someone to pray with you and give you help and/or encouragement as you begin, or continue your walk with Jesus. Words underlined in my blog could indicate a link to a song that came to mind as I wrote the devotional. Feel free to click on the link and listen as you continue to read or pray. If this devotional was forwarded to you and you would like to see more, please go to Nuggets From God’s Word and read more, or you may freely to subscribe for a daily email conveniently containing each day’s devotional. If you are anywhere near the Highlands County, Florida area and do not have a church home, I would be thrilled to welcome you at Bible Fellowship Church, located at 3750 Hammock Rd, Sebring, FL 33872! Click the link to check out service times and/or other special activities. God is at work among us! Please consider coming to worship with us!

The Source of Happiness and Contentment

Post Date:

Monday, 2017-02-20


Psalm 16:7-9 (ERV)


I praise the Lord because he taught me well.
    Even at night he put his instructions deep inside my mind.
I always remember that the Lord is with me.
    He is here, close by my side,
    so nothing can defeat me.
So my heart and soul will be very happy.
David sounded very content in recognizing all that God had taught him, both during the day and even at night as he acknowledged learning additional things while he rested. He was reassured by God’s presence with him at all times, and he reflected on how he had proven Him over and over that nothing,  or no one, could defeat him with God as his guide, protector and everlasting Father. His heart was happy and content!
I believe that any of us reading this devotional, or anyone that we might connect with today, would all desire such a peace as David shared in this Psalm. As we face the world each morning, and the many challenges that a day might bring, wouldn’t our blood pressure drop several numbers if we were reassured that God’s in control, and not us? For those of us who have seen God work out His plan for our lives, including overcoming what seems like ‘battles’ in our eyes, isn’t it rewarding to be reminded of God’s power in teaching us the right things, directing our path each day, and reassuring us of His love and protection no matter what a day brings? Friends, stress will have very negative effects on our lives, especially our hearts. Knowing Jesus intimately and being assured of His leadership, love and care for us, should calm our nerves and lead us towards a peace that passes all understanding. Do you know my Lord? Do you have a sense of that peace that I am referring to? I am convinced that Jesus loves us so much that He would like nothing better than to show His love towards us in very meaningful ways such as I’ve mentioned, however He can only do that when we fully surrender to His call on our lives. May we find this peace and comfort today as we strive to surrender more and more to our Lord.
Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Your Son as a sacrifice for my sin. Lord Jesus, thank You for being obedient to the Father and for loving me so much that You willingly went to the cross for sinners such as I. Your love, protection and ongoing guidance is like sunshine to a plant, for it helps us to survive the many trials and challenges of this world, and it provides life to our daily survival. Thank You heavenly Father, thank You Lord Jesus, and thank You Holy Spirit. Oh so unworthy, yet I’m a child of the King! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! I love You Lord, and I lift my voice, to worship You! May my life be worthy of allowing You to work through me to reach some soul today, oh Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer, AMEN!
There are two more pages on my blog that will provide you with additional information, one of them being ‘To Know Jesus’.  If you have been challenged to make a decision today after reading this devotional, please click on the above page, or speak with a local Bible Teaching Pastor, or contact me at Please allow someone to pray with you and give you help and/or encouragement as you begin, or continue your walk with Jesus. Words underlined in my blog could indicate a link to a song that came to mind as I wrote the devotional. Feel free to click on the link and listen as you continue to read or pray. If this devotional was forwarded to you and you would like to see more, please go to Nuggets From God’s Word and read more, or you may freely to subscribe for a daily email conveniently containing each day’s devotional. If you are anywhere near the Highlands County, Florida area and do not have a church home, I would be thrilled to welcome you at Bible Fellowship Church, located at 3750 Hammock Rd, Sebring, FL 33872! Click the link to check out service times and/or other special activities. God is at work among us! Please consider coming to worship with us!

For Best Results in Life, Do This….

Post Date:

Saturday, 2017-02-18


Proverbs 3:4-6 (TLB)


4-5 If you want favor with both God and man, and a reputation for good judgment and common sense, then trust the Lord completely; don’t ever trust yourself. In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success.
I believe that my translation of today’s verses might read: “when you are tired of the trial and error method, or the constant failures and brick walls that hinder success, do what the Good Book says, and seek God’s face for perfect direction that leads to success”!
There’s a common piece of advice often given to folk who try something and fail: “try and try again, and eventually you will succeed”. Isn’t it interesting that this is not God’s way of doing things? For God’s Word tells us to place our faith and trust in God, and He will direct our path, or tell us what to do. I believe it is evident that because God knows exactly what the next moment holds, He will be ‘dead on’ with what He directs us to do. Additionally, the Scripture also tells us that God will shower on us, or crown us, with success, when we follow His will and His directions. The other piece of advice in this proverb is that we are to put God first in all that we do and say. I believe that this means that when we respond to folk, that we respond with what will please God and give glory to Him. This is quite the opposite to our normal instinct to place self first and get as much as we could for ourselves. How often do we say things knowing that it will probably bring glory to ourselves? Friends, I am reminded to constantly seek ways to glorify God and direct the praise of others to Him. After all, I want Him to share His wisdom, His direction and His power with me to accomplish great things for Him. I’m just the vessel being used by Him so any praise should be directed to Him, so that He might be glorified by others and myself. If you can identify with what I have shared, please plan to adopt this same attitude so that together we may honor and praise our Father for all that He does for us and through us.
Heavenly Father, You’ve shown us the way to success – thank You! Please now, help us to stop trying so hard to do life our way and instead seek Your face and follow Your way to true life, led by an all-knowing, all-loving God. As we commit ourselves to You again today, please give us minds that will always look to You for direction, instead of stumbling along try to do life all by ourselves. We can’t do this alone dear Lord, so we ask for Your help and Your guidance in all aspects of life. AMEN!
There are two more pages on my blog that will provide you with additional information, one of them being ‘To Know Jesus’.  If you have been challenged to make a decision today after reading this devotional, please click on the above page, or speak with a local Bible Teaching Pastor, or contact me at Please allow someone to pray with you and give you help and/or encouragement as you begin, or continue your walk with Jesus. Words underlined in my blog could indicate a link to a song that came to mind as I wrote the devotional. Feel free to click on the link and listen as you continue to read or pray. If this devotional was forwarded to you and you would like to see more, please go to Nuggets From God’s Word and read more, or you may freely to subscribe for a daily email conveniently containing each day’s devotional. If you are anywhere near the Highlands County, Florida area and do not have a church home, I would be thrilled to welcome you at Bible Fellowship Church, located at 3750 Hammock Rd, Sebring, FL 33872! Click the link to check out service times and/or other special activities. God is at work among us! Please consider coming to worship with us!

Spiritually Fit

Today’s Bible Reference: 1 Timothy 4:6-10

Today’s Bible Text: You’ve been raised on the Message of the faith and have followed sound teaching. Now pass on this counsel to the followers of Jesus there, and you’ll be a good servant of Jesus. Stay clear of silly stories that get dressed up as religion. Exercise daily in God—no spiritual flabbiness, please! Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever. You can count on this. Take it to heart. This is why we’ve thrown ourselves into this venture so totally. We’re banking on the living God, Savior of all men and women, especially believers.

The Bible Translation: The Message (MSG)

My Take Away: I believe that a lot of money is spent on gym memberships, and a lot of time is well spent on physical fitness in order to keep our heart and muscles in great physical shape, due to the stationary, inactive lifestyles we have in our desk jobs or just the choices we make to watch TV or play on computer devices. So what if we did to our physical bodies what we do in our spiritual lives? You know, we may open our Bibles once a week when we attend church, or in some cases two or three times per year for special occasions. Do you suppose that we might see more physical deaths if we only exercised that infrequent? Do you suppose that this might be the reason we see so many spiritual ‘deaths’ in the church? If we only connect with the Master of this world on a very occasional basis, will that develop ‘relationship’ with Him? Physical exercise requires commitment to a designated time of fitness each day. It means sacrificing a warm bed for working out at the gym or jogging down a long, dark path, often until we feel like we are about to drop! It means ‘beating’ ourselves into submission, so that we can do it even when we don’t feel like it. Now, think about Spiritual fitness. Should it be any different? The results, or the outcome, is way more important, for it leads to an active, participating relationship with the King of this universe, One who sent His Son to die for us so that we might accept His sacrifice and therefore ultimately be with Him in glory one day. Physical fitness helps you condition your bodies to fight off diseases, have less pain and recover much faster from illnesses, and it may extend your life here on earth by a few years. Spiritual fitness opens the doors of heaven for you while here on earth and to life ever after with the Creator. It gives you hope, peace and love here on earth and rewards for eternity that are out of this world! Spiritual fitness is suitable for all walks of life, for those fit enough to do Physical fitness or not. Please don’t make excuses Brothers and Sisters. Seek to strengthen your spiritual lives so that you may be usable by God here on earth, until He is ready for you in Heaven. Each of us will face Him at Judgment Day, will you be prepared to smile and thank Him for allowing You to stay Spiritually Fit while here on earth? I hope there will be no regrets.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, we are such a blessed people, because of Your persistent love for us, and the way that You show that in so many ways to us daily. Please touch the lives of each one reading this devotional today with a desire to enhance our Spiritual fitness so that we might be drawn closer to You in every aspect of our lives. Others are watching to validate that we are who we say we are. May we be so engrossed in Your Word, and have such a determination to follow Your teachings, that the evidence might be obvious in all that we say or do while here on earth. We want them to see Jesus. May we be fit vessels that You can work through to reach those in our realm of influence dear Lord, AMEN!

Footnote: If you have been challenged to make a decision today after reading this devotional, please speak with a local Bible Teaching Pastor, or contact me at Allow someone to pray with you and give you help and/or encouragement as you begin, or continue your walk with Jesus. Words underlined in my blog could indicate a link to a song that came to mind as I wrote the devotional. Feel free to click on the link and listen as you continue to read or pray. If this devotional was forwarded to you and you would like to see more, please go to and read more, or you may freely to subscribe for a daily email conveniently containing each day’s devotional. If you are anywhere near the Highlands County, Florida area and do not have a church home, I would be thrilled to welcome you at Bible Fellowship Church, located at 3750 Hammock Rd, Sebring, FL 33872! Click the link to check out service times and/or other special activities. God is at work among us! Please consider coming to worship with us!


Expectations of a ‘True’ Worshiper

Post Date:

Thursday, 2017-02-16


Psalm 15 (TLB)


Anyone who leads a blameless life and is truly sincere. Anyone who refuses to slander others, does not listen to gossip, never harms his neighbor, speaks out against sin, criticizes those committing it, commends the faithful followers of the Lord, keeps a promise even if it ruins him, does not crush his debtors with high interest rates, and refuses to testify against the innocent despite the bribes offered him—such a man shall stand firm forever.
The Psalmist lists things he believes a ‘True’ Worshipper should do and some that they shouldn’t do. This was in response to his own question that he posed to the Almighty God about who will be permitted in His presence. I believe that there was conflict in David’s mind about what was acceptable to God, and what might not be acceptable, and he had to get this cleared up.
When we are feeling conflicted by the various teachings of man and/or churches and/or denominations, wouldn’t it be great to take that conflict before God and ask Him to help us clear it up? I could only imagine that my blog title probably raised a few eyebrows as you probably thought that I would dare teach on who should be permit in our church sanctuary, or who we will allow to sit forward of the very back seat, or who we will allow to raise their hands in worship. Unfortunately you may be disappointed, as this goes way beyond the practices of any church here on earth. Notice that David was in prayer, or communication with the One that most Christian churches actually lift up their worship to, for He wanted to know what was acceptable to the God who created us, provides for us, and even died a sacrificial death for us, before returning to His Father to sit at His side and petition with Him on our behalf. You see, church leadership has come a long way in what our ancestors taught about what you could wear to church, which instruments can, or cannot be played in our services, and who might sing in the praise group, or choir. It seems like we have become a lot more tolerable and allow anyone with any thought or practice or selfish desire to worship and possibly participate or even teach, while tolerating known sin in their lives. David looked beyond all this and was more interested in what God would permit. Here are some things that he concluded about the attitude and/or character of the genuine worshipper of the Almighty:

  1. Should lead a blameless life;
  2. Should be truly sincere;
  3. Should refuse to slander others;
  4. Should not listen to gossip;
  5. Should not harm his neighbor;
  6. Should always  speak out against sin, and consistently criticize those committing it;
  7. Should commend the faithful followers of the Lord;
  8. Should always keep a promise – even if it ruins him;
  9. Should not crush his debtors with high interest rates; and
  10. Should always refuse to testify against the innocent, despite the bribes offered to him

David concluded that ‘such a man shall stand firm forever’. May I suggest to you friend that no matter how good you feel about your church, or how much you despise what the leadership allows, or rejects, what truly matters in your relationship with God is what you discern from God’s Word as being pleasing in His sight. Please don’t be so weak that you merely stand by and wait for the instructions of church leadership, although I want you to respect them and cooperate with their leadership that you feel aligns with God’s Word, however what is more important is that you develop such a relationship with God that you seek His face in all things and personally please Him in every way. He’s the One that we live for and seek to serve wholeheartedly, so please Him among everything else here on earth, and you too ‘will stand firm forever’, child of God! 

Lord Jesus, please help us to always seek Your face and Your design for our lives here on earth. Often we are pulled in many directions with various beliefs and practices. May we strive to please You and seek Your will in deciding truth. It’s You we long to adore and be with throughout eternity. Oh that ‘religion’ will not hinder our walk down here as we strive to please You, is my humble prayer, AMEN!
There are two more pages on my blog that will provide you with additional information, one of them being ‘To Know Jesus’.  If you have been challenged to make a decision today after reading this devotional, please click on the above page, or speak with a local Bible Teaching Pastor, or contact me at Please allow someone to pray with you and give you help and/or encouragement as you begin, or continue your walk with Jesus. Words underlined in my blog could indicate a link to a song that came to mind as I wrote the devotional. Feel free to click on the link and listen as you continue to read or pray. If this devotional was forwarded to you and you would like to see more, please go to Nuggets From God’s Word and read more, or you may freely to subscribe for a daily email conveniently containing each day’s devotional. If you are anywhere near the Highlands County, Florida area and do not have a church home, I would be thrilled to welcome you at Bible Fellowship Church, located at 3750 Hammock Rd, Sebring, FL 33872! Click the link to check out service times and/or other special activities. God is at work among us! Please consider coming to worship with us!