‘This’ Is our High Priest!

SCRIPTURE  FROM:   Hebrews 7:24-26 (TPT)

TEXT: 24 But Jesus permanently holds his priestly office, since he lives forever and will never have a successor! 25 So he is able to save fully from now throughout eternity, everyone who comes to God through him, because he lives to pray continually for them. 26 He is the High Priest who perfectly fits our need—holy, without a trace of evil, without the ability to deceive, incapable of sin, and exalted beyond the heavens!

OBSERVATION:   In Hebrews 7, we learn about the high priests who were ordained in their day, and we learn about some of their fallacies. However, we also learn about our permanent High Priest, Jesus! How He qualified as such, and how He is able to maintain that title for all eternity. Praise God we serve One who never changes or looses His credentials to serve us as our Eternal King! Do you know Him?

APPLICATION:   When we hear so many complaints about today’s pastors/priests/ministers/rabbis etc, I wonder if we often fail to put into perspective that they are a lot different to the permanent High Priest spoken of in our Scripture today. Yes, they are a representative of God, so they should be above reproach – but so should we laypersons be the same! May we remember that they are human, just like we are, and capable of the fallacies seen in high priests spoken of in this very Scripture today. However, I would really encourage you to click on the scripture reference link, so you could read the Scripture leading up to these verses and, perhaps even beyond these verses. God saw that He was asking His children to be perfect as He is perfect, but in providing men, just like you and I, to lead us towards this perfection, it was an impossible demand. God therefore sent His one and only Son Jesus, miraculously created and sent to us as an ‘arm’ of the Father Himself. Because Jesus is perfect, and He lives forever, God made Him our High Priest both for now and for eternity. Friends, this Jesus – our High Priest, as described in verse 26, is also the One that loves you and I more than anything else in this world! We read comments from our friends as they try to describe how much they love someone, and they say things like: “I love you to the moon and back”. Can you imagine that our Savior loves us all the way to God – with everything in between and all around us, in spite of our ugliness of pride, hatred and unbelief? Friends say: “I love you more than the whole world”. Can you imagine God loving us enough to send us His own Son? Think literally about that and imagine you considering giving up your son or daughter so that someone else might live? Can you do it? How do you suppose the other person will show their love to you, if you did make the sacrifice? Do you show that kind of love to Jesus for making that same sacrifice just for you to live eternally with His Father? Friends, I hope that you will not only feel the impact of the Savior, and the Father who wants desperately to be a part of your lives today, but I trust that you will also be open to drawing closer to Him in a very personal way – accepting His offer of salvation, and basting in His unlimited and endless love for you. You’re His prized possession. Love Him like you believe that friend!

PRAYER:   Thank you Jesus for loving even me – ‘Ed Algreen’! Thank You also for loving my family members and my friends who might read this devotional today! However, I would desperately ask that You touch the lives of each one that I mentioned, and draw them as close to Yourself as possible today. Our time on this old earth is short, please help us to live like children of the King of all kings! Please help us to keep our chins up and focused on the Master of this universe, and to always remember that we are Your chosen children, loved for eternity! AMEN! 

FOOTNOTE: There are two more pages on my blog that will provide you with additional information, one of them being ‘To Know Jesus’.  If you have been challenged to make a decision today after reading this devotional, please click on the above page, or speak with a local Bible Teaching Pastor, or contact me at NuggetsFromGodsWord@outlook.com. Please allow someone to pray with you and give you help and/or encouragement as you begin, or continue your walk with Jesus. Words underlined in my blog could indicate a link to a song that came to mind as I wrote the devotional. Feel free to click on the link and listen as you continue to read or pray. If this devotional was forwarded to you and you would like to see more, please go to Nuggets From God’s Word and read more, or you may freely to subscribe for a daily email conveniently containing each day’s devotional. If you are anywhere near the Sebring, Florida area and do not have a church home, I would be thrilled to welcome you at Bible Fellowship Church, located at 3750 Hammock Rd, Sebring, FL 33872! Click the link to check out service times and/or other special activities. God is at work among us! Please consider coming to worship with us!


The Source of all Help!

SCRIPTURE  FROM:   Psalm 121:1-2 (VOICE)

TEXT:  I look up at the vast size of the mountains — from where will my help come in times of trouble?
The Eternal Creator of heaven and earth and these mountains will send the help I need.

OBSERVATION:   David was a simple man, and many of his writings reflect the time that he spent reflecting on, and enjoying the natural beauty that God provides. Standing at the foot of a huge mountain, you could only imagine how awesome it is in size, compared to the stature of a mere man. Therefore some would go to that mountain and look for help. But David found someone much bigger and ever so much more powerful that He chose to worship Him and make his petitions before Him. Do you run to the main source of all power for help?

APPLICATION:   It may be challenging for many of us to identify with the people of David’s day, because we may not see folk bowing down to a huge mountain, or a very tall building, or a vast ocean, asking for their help during the individual’s most challenging times. So this Scripture may not be meant for us, right? Not so quick my friend! Let’s think about our process today – what do most of us do? For the sake of time, I will only concentrate my thoughts about ‘self’ today: When things start to go wrong with our health, do we talk to the manufacturer first or do we run to another human first, and ask for an evaluation and possibly a few pills to help correct the matter? When there are challenges in our family, do we surrender to the Developer of that family unit and seek His guidance on seeing the issues, and look for God-led ideas on how to correct the matter? Do we sing God’s praises when things are really smooth in our family, then cry out in our petitions before Him when we feel helpless in correcting an obvious obstacle? Do we thank Him daily for our jobs and seek to learn ways from Him on how we might excel in our jobs, or do we take the easy way out and gripe and complain about every little thing, including having to get up and go to work? Notice that David never thought of using Google to help him resolve his concerns, nor did he bow before the huge mountain that he could see ahead of him, but instead he went to the One whose presence he felt along the still waters that he spoke of in Psalm 23, and the One he was convinced had restored his very soul, as reflected in that same chapter. Why David knew that God had created the huge mountain that stood before him at the time, and with just a little bit of faith, he could even ask God to move that mountain. So with those thoughts in mind, what kind of problem might David have had that would have forced him to look any further? Friends, that’s the same with you and I. There ain’t no problem big enough that our God can’t handle, no mountain tall enough that He can’t help us climb over, no ocean deep enough that He can’t help us cross over, so why is it that we would turn to anything, or anyone else? Let’s learn to ask others to pray with us, not for us, for this shows that we are in touch with God already over our situation. An old chorus reminds us to praise Him in the morning, praise Him in the evening and praise Him all day long. Let’s practice that, for it will remind us from whence comes our help, and we will be reminded to whom shall we run when we feel inadequate in our health, happiness, finances, family situations and in every aspect of our lives. He’s our Savior, our Healer, our Redeemer and our soon coming King! Do you know Him friend? Otherwise, to whom will you run?

PRAYER:   Heavenly Father, King of all kings and Lord of all lords. Thank you for looking at mankind, standing alongside a huge mountain, and still loving us as Your very own sons and daughters. What a joy to know You as Lord and Savior! Please open our eyes daily to the truths of Your Word so that we might be like You in every way, especially to a lost and dying world. People need the Lord. Oh that You may use even us to speak, love and act just like You. AMEN!

FOOTNOTE: There are two more pages on my blog that will provide you with additional information, one of them being ‘To Know Jesus’.  If you have been challenged to make a decision today after reading this devotional, please click on the above page, or speak with a local Bible Teaching Pastor, or contact me at NuggetsFromGodsWord@outlook.com. Please allow someone to pray with you and give you help and/or encouragement as you begin, or continue your walk with Jesus. Words underlined in my blog could indicate a link to a song that came to mind as I wrote the devotional. Feel free to click on the link and listen as you continue to read or pray. If this devotional was forwarded to you and you would like to see more, please go to Nuggets From God’s Word and read more, or you may freely to subscribe for a daily email conveniently containing each day’s devotional. If you are anywhere near the Sebring, Florida area and do not have a church home, I would be thrilled to welcome you at Bible Fellowship Church, located at 3750 Hammock Rd, Sebring, FL 33872! Click the link to check out service times and/or other special activities. God is at work among us! Please consider coming to worship with us!


Don’t Turn Back Now!

SCRIPTURE  FROM:   Hebrews 6:4-6 (TLB)

TEXT:  There is no use trying to bring you back to the Lord again if you have once understood the Good News and tasted for yourself the good things of heaven and shared in the Holy Spirit, and know how good the Word of God is, and felt the mighty powers of the world to come, and then have turned against God. You cannot bring yourself to repent again if you have nailed the Son of God to the cross again by rejecting him, holding him up to mocking and to public shame.

OBSERVATION:   At first read, this appears to be a very challenging passage of Scripture, but I sincerely feel like God has a message in it for us today. Just consider how the Word of God opened your eyes at some point in your life, and moved you to accept Jesus as the resurrected Son of God, who came to make the way possible for you to enter heaven’s gate. Then consider at some point denying all of this. God wants to speak with us today about not turning our backs on Him. 

APPLICATION:   I want us to think for a moment about the ‘day of salvation’ for us. Perhaps we heard a sermon, or was blessed to have a friend share with us one-on-one about their Savior and Lord, or perhaps we were reading the Word of God and was touched by what we found to be true of our Heavenly King. Reflect back on your early days as a Christian, when you felt like you and God could conquer the world. What awesome times you enjoyed basting in the love of Jesus, feeling the touch and leadership of the Holy Spirit, and seeing the hand of God work in miraculous ways in your life. Now I want you to fast forward five years, after losing a child, divorcing your spouse and returning to some bad habits from your ugly past. For the friend that knew you in all three worlds – before you were saved, while you were saved, and after returning to your first world, what might they be saying about you. What is your witness saying to the one you were trying to win to Christ while you were at the height of your Christian life? Do you suppose that they are convinced that Jesus is alive and well, or whether He may still be dead and hanging on the cross? Friends, these actions are so serious, that God said through the writer of Hebrews, that a person who fits that description and lifestyle cannot be saved again. I understand that we are told in life not to use the word ‘never’, as in ‘never be saved again’, but God’s Word is true dear One, and there is reason why He would warn us so strongly about this. So may I encourage readers who are unsaved, to please examine the truths of Jesus, and please run a reference check by asking other believers about their life after accepting Christ. Be convinced that Jesus is alive forevermore, and that His love for you today is just as strong as the day that He voluntarily hung on that cross to die for our sin. It is worth it all to accept my Lord as your Savior, and make a lifetime commitment to serve Him until He calls you home to glory. You don’t get married, just to try it out. You don’t have a child, just to see what it’s like to have one. Please be deliberate about your decision to accept Jesus as your Savior, it’s for the rest of this life and for all eternity! There is no other love, like His love for us. No one else cares for us like He does. No one ever did as much for us as He has done. When we commit to Jesus, He will keep Satan at bay, if we are serious and ask Jesus to do that. No one can pluck us from the hand of Jesus, as recorded in the Word of God. Know Him today and know that peace my friend!

PRAYER:   Lord, You are so good to us! Thank You for providing the means for us to enter Heaven’s portal to be with You and Your Father! Oh how we look forward to that day! For as long as You see fit to leave us here on earth, I pray that You will bless us with a sincere commitment to serve You and to lift up Your name before all those that we come into contact with. Lord, may You rule and reign in our lives and be evident to those we associate with, so that together we can walk into Your presence and enjoy the promise of heaven for all eternity. Please keep us strong, and determined to never turn back. AMEN!

FOOTNOTE: There are two more pages on my blog that will provide you with additional information, one of them being ‘To Know Jesus’.  If you have been challenged to make a decision today after reading this devotional, please click on the above page, or speak with a local Bible Teaching Pastor, or contact me at NuggetsFromGodsWord@outlook.com. Please allow someone to pray with you and give you help and/or encouragement as you begin, or continue your walk with Jesus. Words underlined in my blog could indicate a link to a song that came to mind as I wrote the devotional. Feel free to click on the link and listen as you continue to read or pray. If this devotional was forwarded to you and you would like to see more, please go to Nuggets From God’s Word and read more, or you may freely to subscribe for a daily email conveniently containing each day’s devotional. If you are anywhere near the Sebring, Florida area and do not have a church home, I would be thrilled to welcome you at Bible Fellowship Church, located at 3750 Hammock Rd, Sebring, FL 33872! Click the link to check out service times and/or other special activities. God is at work among us! Please consider coming to worship with us!

Exposed To The All-Seeing Eyes of God

SCRIPTURE  FROM:   Hebrews 4:12-13 (TLB)

TEXT:  12 For whatever God says to us is full of living power: it is sharper than the sharpest dagger, cutting swift and deep into our innermost thoughts and desires with all their parts, exposing us for what we really are. 13 He knows about everyone, everywhere. Everything about us is bare and wide open to the all-seeing eyes of our living God; nothing can be hidden from him to whom we must explain all that we have done.

OBSERVATION:   God took on the request of Moses and the Israelites who asked for freedom from the slavery of the Egyptian people. Did they deserve it? Did they make it to their final destination and get to enjoy its benefits and freedoms? We all know the story well. So the question might be today, that “if we agree to follow Christ, will we see heaven?” If we agree to follow Christ, will we still do stupid stuff? These are valid questions for those looking to get their ‘ticket punched for heaven’, so we should meditate on this for a bit.

APPLICATION:   There is one thing that totally sets me off, as a man trying to live according to God’s commands and in the center of His perfect will. It is when folk tell me to do something that will cause a circumstance to look differently, or say something that will make my scenario sound more convincing to someone. I am naive enough to believe that when I follow Jesus, I don’t need anyone else’s help in convincing others that my words or actions are right or wrong, for my responsibility to God is to be totally honest right from the start. So even if it might appear wrong to them, but I know full well that it is right in the sight of God, then I am convinced that I am on the right course. Friends, I would ask you to watch carefully for situations where you are convinced that an action appears wrong, or a statement may not sound right, because we were given a gift from God to detect these things. Now, I don’t believe for a minute, that God sent us here to call everyone a fake, or pronounce every word a falsehood. But I do believe that God has gifted His children with a sense of knowing the truth. Regarding heavenly matters, God has given us a very special Book for us to validate what is being said, so if it aligns with the Word of God, then we have no further reason to doubt. For other matters, if it aligns with the mind of Christ, or is supported by the principles taught in the Word, then we should generally feel OK about it. If, as a child of God, you are asked to say or do something outside of what your Spirit-filled mind is making you feel good about, then you have good reason to doubt, or even disregard. If you follow through with doing something, in spite of what you feel the Spirit of God is telling you not to do or say, then you are probably headed into sin of some sort. Friends, even if you put aside all that I have said so far, may I suggest that you go back to the top of this devotional and read again verse 31. Be reminded that God said that He is watching, and He knows everything about everyone, no matter where we are. So you may think that your falsehoods or variations of the truth will convince some, but we are reminded here that it only hurts the heart of the main One that it matters to most. Be reminded friends, that we are exposed to the all-seeing, all-knowing God, and also be reminded that if we do it right, we are exposed to the all-loving God who cares about our heart and our actions. And when our God sees us willingly loving Him in total obedience, can you imagine the love and the blessings that He naturally pours out on us? Oh my, I can only imagine that He is ever so thankful to the Father for touching our lives, ever so proud to call us His very own,  and ever so loving to continually blessing us, so that we could be even more like Him in all aspects of our lives. He’s my Father, and I am so proud of Him today! Do you know Him friend and strive to please Him in all aspects of your life?

PRAYER:   Thank You for blessing us with rich gifts from above, Heavenly Father! Thank You for loving us, like no one on earth is even capable of loving us! Thank You for guiding us daily so that we may live, love and talk just like You. Please help us to continually look for ways to humble ourselves before You, and to be submissive to Your perfect will for our lives. Please direct us so that our words, and our love and our every action will exemplify You in every way. Thank You for loving us enough to watch us and keep us accountable to You. Please help us to look for, and listen to You, especially when we tend to wander and do our own thing. We need You every day and in every way dear Lord – our Rock and our Redeemer! AMEN!

FOOTNOTE: There are two more pages on my blog that will provide you with additional information, one of them being ‘To Know Jesus’.  If you have been challenged to make a decision today after reading this devotional, please click on the above page, or speak with a local Bible Teaching Pastor, or contact me at NuggetsFromGodsWord@outlook.com. Please allow someone to pray with you and give you help and/or encouragement as you begin, or continue your walk with Jesus. Words underlined in my blog could indicate a link to a song that came to mind as I wrote the devotional. Feel free to click on the link and listen as you continue to read or pray. If this devotional was forwarded to you and you would like to see more, please go to Nuggets From God’s Word and read more, or you may freely to subscribe for a daily email conveniently containing each day’s devotional. If you are anywhere near the Sebring, Florida area and do not have a church home, I would be thrilled to welcome you at Bible Fellowship Church, located at 3750 Hammock Rd, Sebring, FL 33872! Click the link to check out service times and/or other special activities. God is at work among us! Please consider coming to worship with us!


Share God’s Glory

SCRIPTURE  FROM:   Hebrews 2:9-10 (ERV)

TEXT: ….. Because of God’s grace, Jesus died for everyone. 10 God—the one who made all things and for whose glory all things exist—wanted many people to be his children and share his glory. So he did what he needed to do. He made perfect the one who leads those people to salvation. He made Jesus a perfect Savior through his suffering.

OBSERVATION:   An awesome verse that portrays the great love that God has for us. He wasn’t satisfied just leaving us as we were, sinners in a world controlled by the evil one. So He sent His Son, made Jesus a perfect Savior, so that those who want a better life, those who want to go to Heaven, those who want to accept Him, would become God’s children and share in His glory! This is miraculous news that should encourage the hearts of anyone capable of grasping this truth! Oh what a Savior! Oh what awesome love our Father has for us! Wow!

APPLICATION:   I wonder how many of us come across someone in our daily walk, that feels unloved, unappreciated, despondent, without hope and living in a world where all they feel is frustration, hatred, revenge and just totally alone? Could the only thing that’s missing be, that they need to be encouraged and told about a Father who loves them, a Savior who cares for them, and a place called heaven that awaits those who accept Jesus as their Savior? Do they know that you care about them? Friends, please don’t automatically assume that because you’ve known this all of your life, that those you come into contact with will know this also. A friend was telling me just last Sunday that he had ministered in an Asian country, and it always blew him away when he would speak to someone about our Lord Jesus, and all he got was blank stares, for they had no idea what he was talking about. Do you sometimes wonder why God places you in the presence of some of the folk that you meet? Could it possibly be because you have the answers to ‘life eternal’ and to the many questions that your new acquaintance may have in their everyday life? I believe that our Scripture today serves two primary purposes: 1). It contains a reminder for you and I, that God, who created us to worship and serve Him, has done everything necessary to have us return to Him in glory to celebrate eternally with He and His Father; and 2). God will place people in our path, not by accident, but divinely, because He wants us to show His love to them, or share His Word with them, or tell them about Jesus who loved them enough that He died for them. Now, if only we can stay on task and welcome the work of Jesus in and through us so that He may be glorified!

PRAYER:   Thank You dear Lord for Your Word, Your love, and Your concern for even me. Lord I believe! I believe that You can and will use Your children, like my readers and I, to also be Your witness to the lost world in which we live. As we approach family and friends today Lord, may they see You and know You personally. Most will probably protest that they need no-one, but use us Lord to show them that there is only one way to heaven, and that’s through the Savior that they truly need. Please use us as Your instruments today. AMEN!

FOOTNOTE: There are two more pages on my blog that will provide you with additional information, one of them being ‘To Know Jesus’.  If you have been challenged to make a decision today after reading this devotional, please click on the above page, or speak with a local Bible Teaching Pastor, or contact me at NuggetsFromGodsWord@outlook.com. Please allow someone to pray with you and give you help and/or encouragement as you begin, or continue your walk with Jesus. Words underlined in my blog could indicate a link to a song that came to mind as I wrote the devotional. Feel free to click on the link and listen as you continue to read or pray. If this devotional was forwarded to you and you would like to see more, please go to Nuggets From God’s Word and read more, or you may freely to subscribe for a daily email conveniently containing each day’s devotional. If you are anywhere near the Sebring, Florida area and do not have a church home, I would be thrilled to welcome you at Bible Fellowship Church, located at 3750 Hammock Rd, Sebring, FL 33872! Click the link to check out service times and/or other special activities. God is at work among us! Please consider coming to worship with us!


Answers To Your Search For God

SCRIPTURE  FROM:   Hebrews 1:1-3 (TLB)

TEXT: Long ago God spoke in many different ways to our fathers through the prophets, in visions, dreams, and even face to face, telling them little by little about his plans. But now in these days he has spoken to us through his Son to whom he has given everything and through whom he made the world and everything there is. God’s Son shines out with God’s glory, and all that God’s Son is and does marks him as God. He regulates the universe by the mighty power of his command. He is the one who died to cleanse us and clear our record of all sin, and then sat down in highest honor beside the great God of heaven.

OBSERVATION:   It appears like through the writer of Hebrews, God may be saying to us that in spite of the many ways that we seek God, and in spite of the evidence often used to identify God’s presence and existence, yet we need look no further than His Son to understand who God is, where God is, and how badly God wants us to see clearly the path of salvation that leads His children to eternity with Him in glory. The big question for us today is ‘Do we know God’s Son’? ‘Have we met Jesus personally and have an intimate, personal relationship with Him’?

APPLICATION:   I find it interesting how doubt often develops about the existence of God when:

  • Our prayers are not answered the way we told God that we wanted them answered; or
  • We rush to call on God when we are especially going through desperate times, but we are met with silence; or
  • Those that we hold in high esteem, such as a pastor or other church leader, falls because of sin in their lives;

I’m sure that there are other scenarios that you may think of, but as you ponder over these things please also consider how your personal relationship is with God. For friends, although it may have been one of the above scenarios yesterday, Satan has an eye on you and I as he looks for a weak moment to bash in on our relationship with God. The good news is that God knew all about the temptations that would come our way, and all about the nature of sinful man, and yet He loved us anyway! In fact, He loved us more than we could ever imagine, for He went beyond anything we could ever imagine, by sending His only Son to live among us. Then to resolve the sin issue for us, God allowed Jesus to be crucified on a cruel cross at Calvary, so that through that one sacrifice, each of us that ask, in sincerity, to be saved from our sin, could do so by accepting the free gift of salvation offered through Jesus’ sacrifice. If you are still searching for God, then you are either ignoring the path set out before us through Jesus Christ, or you are calling God a liar and a fake. There is more evidence than we could begin to list, that our God is alive! The Word today shows us how God continues to work through His Son, Jesus, and how this was all orchestrated for one purpose, that we could have forgiveness of sin and a glorious home to which we could look forward to being with our Savior and our God! Do you know Jesus today, friend? Is this news not just exciting for you, but also very personal for you because you are already a son or daughter of the most high God? 

PRAYER:   Precious Lord, take my hand, lead me on, and let me stand physically in Your presence on whatever day you decide to call me home. For my friends and I, You have prepared our eternal home; You’ve provided the means for us to get there; and You’ve given us Your Word so that we might know how to be right with You. Lord, may this be the day that You once again touch hardened hearts that we’ve been praying for, and may this also be the day that You reach in and convict the heart of the one who might stumble across this devotional in their search for everlasting peace and satisfaction. Thank You for loving us so much to not just leave us in our sin, but to open the doors of heaven for even us. AMEN!

FOOTNOTE: There are two more pages on my blog that will provide you with additional information, one of them being ‘To Know Jesus’.  If you have been challenged to make a decision today after reading this devotional, please click on the above page, or speak with a local Bible Teaching Pastor, or contact me at NuggetsFromGodsWord@outlook.com. Please allow someone to pray with you and give you help and/or encouragement as you begin, or continue your walk with Jesus. Words underlined in my blog could indicate a link to a song that came to mind as I wrote the devotional. Feel free to click on the link and listen as you continue to read or pray. If this devotional was forwarded to you and you would like to see more, please go to Nuggets From God’s Word and read more, or you may freely to subscribe for a daily email conveniently containing each day’s devotional. If you are anywhere near the Sebring, Florida area and do not have a church home, I would be thrilled to welcome you at Bible Fellowship Church, located at 3750 Hammock Rd, Sebring, FL 33872! Click the link to check out service times and/or other special activities. God is at work among us! Please consider coming to worship with us!


Refreshing The Saints

SCRIPTURE  FROM:   Philemon 1:4-7 (VOICE)

TEXT: I am constantly thanking God for you in my prayers because I keep hearing about your love and faith toward our Lord Jesus and all those set apart for His purposes. Here’s what I’ve been praying on your behalf:

Thank You, Father, for Philemon. I pray that as he goes and tells his story of faith, he would tell everyone so that they will know for certain all the good that comes to those who put their trust in the Anointed One.

My brother, because you are out there encouraging and reviving the hearts of fellow saints with such love, this brings great joy and comfort to me.

OBSERVATION:   In this translation, verse 7 reads that Philemon was encouraging and reviving the hearts of fellow saints. In the NLT, we are told that Paul was excited because Philemon refreshed the hearts of believers! Ever been guilty of that? Let’s meditate on how we might do that…

APPLICATION:   I don’t believe there is anything more satisfying than to walk in on someone speaking something complimentary about you! I suppose the next best thing is probably to read the compliments on our character in a letter, email or newspaper. I realize that we never do the work of the Lord for man’s applause, but I also know that we each need encouraging from time to time. Paul’s applause to Philemon was all about the feedback that Paul was receiving from the church members that met in Philemon’s home. Friends, we must remember that as we strive diligently to live as an example of our Master and Lord, if no one around us notices, then how do you suppose we are doing? Philemon lived such a life of love in the presence of his congregants, that Paul likened it to something that we do to our computer screens when we ‘refresh‘ the screen! To something that we diligently pray for in our churches, when we pray for ‘revival‘, for we want our hearts to be ‘refreshed‘ in the love of Jesus, and our spirits refreshed to the state of when we first met Jesus, when we fell deeply in love with Him for saving our soul. Friends, I want to encourage us to not wait for our encouragement to arrive, before we see the love of Jesus in someone around us. For as we encourage them and see them rejuvenated in wanting to serve Christ even more fully, we too will be encouraged to reach out to Jesus and desire such a filling of His sweet Holy Spirit that it would electrify anyone’s spirit who happens to be near to us. People who need the Lord are constantly looking at those who say they have Him, so they could see what a Jesus filled life looks like. How are you doing with that friend? Can others see enough of Jesus in you that they want to be around you, hoping that some of the joy and love that you exude would rub off on them! Draw close to God friend, and He will draw close to you. In fact, He will overfill your joy and love, so that others will want to know the source of it all!

PRAYER:   Thank you Jesus for allowing Paul to encourage his Brother Philemon. Thank You for speaking to our hearts through this Scripture today, so that our hearts might be overfilled and looking for avenues to share Your precious love with others. Please give us more love to share and many more opportunities in which to share that love with others. Draw the unsaved to Yourself Lord, and if I may be of service in that awesome act of love, please use even me. AMEN!

FOOTNOTE: There are two more pages on my blog that will provide you with additional information, one of them being ‘To Know Jesus’.  If you have been challenged to make a decision today after reading this devotional, please click on the above page, or speak with a local Bible Teaching Pastor, or contact me at NuggetsFromGodsWord@outlook.com. Please allow someone to pray with you and give you help and/or encouragement as you begin, or continue your walk with Jesus. Words underlined in my blog could indicate a link to a song that came to mind as I wrote the devotional. Feel free to click on the link and listen as you continue to read or pray. If this devotional was forwarded to you and you would like to see more, please go to Nuggets From God’s Word and read more, or you may freely to subscribe for a daily email conveniently containing each day’s devotional. If you are anywhere near the Sebring, Florida area and do not have a church home, I would be thrilled to welcome you at Bible Fellowship Church, located at 3750 Hammock Rd, Sebring, FL 33872! Click the link to check out service times and/or other special activities. God is at work among us! Please consider coming to worship with us!


A God-filled, God-honoring Life

SCRIPTURE  FROM:   Titus 2:11-14 (MSG)

TEXT:  11-14 God’s readiness to give and forgive is now public. Salvation’s available for everyone! We’re being shown how to turn our backs on a godless, indulgent life, and how to take on a God-filled, God-honoring life. This new life is starting right now, and is whetting our appetites for the glorious day when our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, appears. He offered himself as a sacrifice to free us from a dark, rebellious life into this good, pure life, making us a people he can be proud of, energetic in goodness.

OBSERVATION:   In the first 10 verses of this chapter, Paul shares with Titus the importance of teaching older men, older women, younger men and younger women, how to live a God-filled, God-honoring life, and the importance of doing so. This teaching has never been more critical than it is for us today, so as we meditate on this, let’s try to apply it – for the kingdom of God is at hand!

APPLICATION:   Telling a politician, or a public figure to include something on ‘right living’ in their political agenda, would almost seem hypocritical compared to the backbiting, hatred and name calling they normally do. Telling an evangelist to hit the streets and demand this lifestyle of those coming out of the bars and dance halls would probably be meaningless to a people are already living the best lifestyle they know how to live. But I believe that just as Paul gave this advice to his fellow laborer and Brother in the Lord, and expected him to share this with those that he found in the local church, we too must be prepared to give this advice to our pastors, teachers and leaders of our churches today. The whole reason for this, comes down to our churches empowering our people not just with the awesome power of God’s Word, but also asking its parishioners to live and practice the life that they are being taught from God’s Word. So in effect, we are encouraging each one to become the church to all those that they come into contact with! I believe that it is our responsibility to live like ‘little Christs’, before all those we come into contact with, especially if we are God-filled, and if we are giving every effort to honor God with our speech, behavior and character. I just love the latter part of this Scripture where we are told that God gave up everything, when He allowed His precious Son to die on the cross for us, for He wanted to make it possible and easy for us to make Him proud of us. How do you feel about your day friend? Did you make God proud in everything that you did? Would others conclude that you are a ‘God-filled’ person, and that you honor God through the things that you say and do? The Word says that when we strive towards these things, we develop an appetite and excitement about the glorious day when our Lord will return! God saw the need for Titus to hear these words from Paul, and I believe that He wants us to also get the picture He is portraying for us today about our earthly condition, in preparation for our heavenly celebration and our eternal home!

PRAYER:   Oh that your people may know about You Lord! Oh that we, who are called by Your name, will seek Your face, humble ourselves and pray, and allow ourselves to be so filled with Your presence, Your character, Your love and to seek Your Holy Spirit for every decision in life, so that we may be God-filled and so that we may honor You in all things. Please anoint us today with Your power, so that we may look more like You in the eyes of those searching for the Master. AMEN!

FOOTNOTE: There are two more pages on my blog that will provide you with additional information, one of them being ‘To Know Jesus’.  If you have been challenged to make a decision today after reading this devotional, please click on the above page, or speak with a local Bible Teaching Pastor, or contact me at NuggetsFromGodsWord@outlook.com. Please allow someone to pray with you and give you help and/or encouragement as you begin, or continue your walk with Jesus. Words underlined in my blog could indicate a link to a song that came to mind as I wrote the devotional. Feel free to click on the link and listen as you continue to read or pray. If this devotional was forwarded to you and you would like to see more, please go to Nuggets From God’s Word and read more, or you may freely to subscribe for a daily email conveniently containing each day’s devotional. If you are anywhere near the Sebring, Florida area and do not have a church home, I would be thrilled to welcome you at Bible Fellowship Church, located at 3750 Hammock Rd, Sebring, FL 33872! Click the link to check out service times and/or other special activities. God is at work among us! Please consider coming to worship with us!


The Effects of our Heart’s Condition

SCRIPTURE  FROM:   Titus 1:15-16 (TLB)

TEXT:  15 A person who is pure of heart sees goodness and purity in everything; but a person whose own heart is evil and untrusting finds evil in everything, for his dirty mind and rebellious heart color all he sees and hears. 16 Such persons claim they know God, but from seeing the way they act, one knows they don’t. They are rotten and disobedient, worthless so far as doing anything good is concerned.

OBSERVATION:   From the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks! That’s a popular old saying, or proverb, that has been proven over the years. That seems to be what Paul is warning his Christian Brother and co-laborer about as he heads into ministering alongside Paul and other disciples at the time. It seems like Paul is saying: ‘You will hear lots of things coming from the mouths of the people you encounter, before you get upset with them, learn their heart’s condition first’. This is excellent advice for us today also, so let’s take time to meditate on Paul’s advice.

APPLICATION:   I’ve seen scenarios where a new pastor would be asked how would he handle cliques in the church, or gossip by leaders, or other things that strictly results from inside circumstances over time. These questions might come before the new pastor ever stands in the pulpit for the first time. Canned responses may be given to those types of questions, if the new pastor knows nothing about the circumstances that provoked the questions. In most cases, there is hurt built up inside the individuals that ask those questions, and they are hoping that the new pastor will save their world. However, where evil abounds, those types of questions might be more of a test to see how the new Pastor will react to circumstances that might arise. In other words, what might the people be able to get away with. These principles are also seen between church members, or just between people in general. Sometimes comments are made to see if a friend or neighbor will be provoked and respond badly. Sometimes we need to prove the character of someone where we may have predicted their doom. But how often do we say things from the heart to just lift up a Brother, or encourage a Sister, or help them draw closer to the Lord? Friends, I believe you will find it easy to sit and analyze what causes others to act just like Paul predicted to Titus, but I want to encourage you today to join me in striving to draw closer to God, whose character will provoke us to want the very best for our neighbors, coworkers, friends and co-laborers in Christ. Our primary responsibility is to get ourselves right with God. Let that Light that we boast of, be evident in everything fiber of our being. Others are looking at you and I, to see if this ‘Jesus’ that we have bragged about, is for real. Oh that they may see the ‘real’ thing in us today. May others brush up to Jesus as they encounter us today! God being our Helper, Guide, Protector and soon coming King.

PRAYER:   In our witness Lord, may others see Your goodness, Your mercy, Your loving kindness, Your forgiveness, Your love and Your unselfish desire to see the best in Your kids. Cleanse our hearts Lord, so that we may fill them with more of You. May the words of our mouths and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable in Your sight, oh Lord, our Rock and our Salvation. AMEN!

FOOTNOTE: There are two more pages on my blog that will provide you with additional information, one of them being ‘To Know Jesus’.  If you have been challenged to make a decision today after reading this devotional, please click on the above page, or speak with a local Bible Teaching Pastor, or contact me at NuggetsFromGodsWord@outlook.com. Please allow someone to pray with you and give you help and/or encouragement as you begin, or continue your walk with Jesus. Words underlined in my blog could indicate a link to a song that came to mind as I wrote the devotional. Feel free to click on the link and listen as you continue to read or pray. If this devotional was forwarded to you and you would like to see more, please go to Nuggets From God’s Word and read more, or you may freely to subscribe for a daily email conveniently containing each day’s devotional. If you are anywhere near the Sebring, Florida area and do not have a church home, I would be thrilled to welcome you at Bible Fellowship Church, located at 3750 Hammock Rd, Sebring, FL 33872! Click the link to check out service times and/or other special activities. God is at work among us! Please consider coming to worship with us!


The Value of The Scripture

SCRIPTURE  FROM:   2 Timothy 3:15-17 (ERV)

TEXT:  15 You have known the Holy Scriptures since you were a child. These Scriptures are able to make you wise. And that wisdom leads to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16 All Scripture is given by God. And all Scripture is useful for teaching and for showing people what is wrong in their lives. It is useful for correcting faults and teaching the right way to live. 17 Using the Scriptures, those who serve God will be prepared and will have everything they need to do every good work.

OBSERVATION:   Imagine your pastor pulling a young man, that shows a lot of promise, alongside of him and promises to work with him to become an effective minister of the Word of God. What are some things that you suppose your pastor, and your church might expect of this young man? Hours and hours of diligence in the Word; Seminary, or at least Bible School; etc, etc. Now, let me encourage you to look into the Word for instruction on what you should do. It seems to me, that this Scripture today is giving some direction regarding the dilemma, and possibly the answer to what your pastor is facing, so let’s look closely at this….

APPLICATION:   Paul, having gone through a wide range of challenges in his ministry, had lots of advice and direction for Timothy who was setting out in ministry. I believe that if we looked at everything that Paul had to offer Timothy, some might say that he had enough challenges of his own, that he would probably do everything possible to discourage this young man from the ministry, although he didn’t! Looking at this from Timothy’s standpoint, we could see where Timothy could easily approach every situation with the same mindset that he saw his local church/church leaders handle situations. However, what adds so much to this story for us is that Paul took on young Timothy as his own son. It shows where Paul cared for Timothy’s well being and for his success in ministry – both for the benefit of the kingdom, and for himself personally. So I believe that the obvious thing that Paul might tell Timothy, is to study the Bible often, and study it very deeply – and I believe that any pastor about to mentor a young ‘Timothy’ would probably do the same. In fact, I believe that any good church leadership would probably tell a young, prospective minister who felt called to the ministry to do the same, and it would be advice patterned after Scripture – today’s Scripture! So why is this important? I believe that for one to teach or preach the Word of God, and tell others about the character and life of Jesus Christ, then it is critically important to get into the Word and saturate yourself with it. There are many other books that we could read where good, qualified teachers have written about the ‘Book’, but please don’t allow that to take the place of you digging into the Word of God often and very deeply. From personal experience, I can tell you that there are days that I might read the Word and I struggle to gain anything personally from it. However, there are days that I can read back over a passage that I previously got nothing from, and God has a special message for me at that time. As I read, I tend to use a few different highlighters: green for highlighting phrases through which I felt God speaking direct to me about something; yellow for highlighting various warnings that God used to get our attention; and red to highlight specific things that God told us not to do. Did I get these ideas from some big seminary and passing them on to you to use? No, but these are tools that I chose to use, so that when I study or refer to that Scripture again, those words will ‘pop’ and quickly draw my attention to them. The other tool I use, is multiple versions of the Bible. Each time I read through the Bible I use a different version. The different ways that some translators or commentators choose to word a passage, might serve to help me better understand what is being said, or what was intended by the sometimes challenging verbiage of some older translations. Other advice I would offer is that it is ‘God’s’ Word, so ask Him to open your mind and your understanding, so that you could grasp what He wants to say to you through the words you are about to read and understand. In training an up and coming ‘Timothy’ it is way more important for him to see and understand from you when he knows that you are in the Word personally, rather than detailing what the textbook says from your seminary. As you learn from, and draw closer to God, you are in much better shape to mentor someone wanting to walk the same path that you took!

PRAYER:   Lord, thank You for touching the hearts, minds and souls of men and women around the world who have committed their lives to the full time ministry of Your Word. People still need the Lord, so it is still very important that new ‘Timothy’s’ arise every day and commit themselves to serving the King of all kings! Thank You Father for drawing men and women unto Yourself, and thank You for preparing them for Your ministry. Sometimes You do this through others that might encourage, teach and set a good example for the new minister. Please bless those who fill that role every day! Please continue to bless our churches with new volunteers who will take the ministry seriously and whose sole purpose is to see Your kingdom increase and be glorified. I stand in awe of Your mercy on us oh Lord! AMEN!

FOOTNOTE: There are two more pages on my blog that will provide you with additional information, one of them being ‘To Know Jesus’.  If you have been challenged to make a decision today after reading this devotional, please click on the above page, or speak with a local Bible Teaching Pastor, or contact me at NuggetsFromGodsWord@outlook.com. Please allow someone to pray with you and give you help and/or encouragement as you begin, or continue your walk with Jesus. Words underlined in my blog could indicate a link to a song that came to mind as I wrote the devotional. Feel free to click on the link and listen as you continue to read or pray. If this devotional was forwarded to you and you would like to see more, please go to Nuggets From God’s Word and read more, or you may freely to subscribe for a daily email conveniently containing each day’s devotional. If you are anywhere near the Sebring, Florida area and do not have a church home, I would be thrilled to welcome you at Bible Fellowship Church, located at 3750 Hammock Rd, Sebring, FL 33872! Click the link to check out service times and/or other special activities. God is at work among us! Please consider coming to worship with us!