How To Remain Pure Before God

DATE POSTED Tuesday, 2022-09-27
WRITTEN AT: Okeechobee, FL

SCRIPTURE FROM: Psalm 119:9-11
TRANSLATION: Amplified Bible (AMP)

BIBLE TEXT: How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping watch [on himself] according to Your word [conforming his life to Your precepts].
10  With all my heart I have sought You, [inquiring of You and longing for You]; Do not let me wander from Your commandments [neither through ignorance nor by willful disobedience].
11 Your word I have treasured and stored in my heart, that I may not sin against You.

APPLICATION: I believe when we think of ‘purity’ we tend to think of how a young girl manages to keep herself ‘pure’ before marriage. That may seem like such an ‘old-school’ philosophy to many today, but you might remember that God chose the mother for His divine Son, because she (Mary) was ‘pure’ and undefiled. Purity in the light of a female, or in the case of the one referred to by the Psalmist, refers to one who has remained fully dedicated to God and unscathed by sin. You see, when we enter into this world and are raised by godly parents, they teach us to distance ourselves from the temptations and teachings of this world, so that our minds will remain fixed on Jesus and open to all His teachings. Fortunately, for those who have not surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ, God sent Him into the world so that those who have become stained with sin, might seek His forgiveness and obtain His powerful help to discontinue imitating the world. God wants to redirect from a life of sin, to instead pattern our lives after the perfect life of Jesus Christ. Christians call that a process of being ‘saved’ – saved from the pit of Hell – the place where folk are sent when they refuse to accept the gift, the love, and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. I believe that one of the most impactful Bible studies I ever taken part in, was ‘Guardrails’. The principles taught in that study are similar to what David is teaching us in the Psalm today – keep watch over yourself; be deliberate in guarding yourself against the evil things of this world that will derail your walk with Jesus; there are things that will tempt you into returning to the free will and undefined ways of this wicked world; there are things that will impress upon you the pride of self-worth and personal riches vs the ways of God as taught to us in His Holy Word. Friends, I am presenting this study today as one living in this world, just as you are; facing daily struggles, just as you are; dealing with attractive offers by the evil one and his army of naysayers, just as you are. But because of the strength I find in Jesus Christ each day to open His Word, spend time with Him, be reminded of His teachings, and welcome His perfect will to guard my path each day, I feel like I am more than a conqueror in overcoming Satan, and I am guided down a path pleasing to my Lord! But so can you my dear friend. The power is in the all-powerful name and person of Jesus Christ. Unhitch from your personal desires and seek to honor Him in all things, and He will deliver you. There is good reason to surrender your will to the will of our Lord and Master, for He is the only perfect Son of God. And because He is perfect, we too can let go of sin, in full confidence that as we do, God will make our way clear for us to follow Him and live in His example. This, dear friends, is my sincere recommendation to all readers and listeners today.

BLESSING(S) NOTED: A life fully surrendered to the lordship of Jesus Christ can be directed down a righteous path that imitates the one and only perfect God! May we seek to follow God’s perfection in our lives today and every day!

PRAYER: To live in such a cruel, sinful world, it would seem like ‘purity’ might be the last result we could expect to see in men and women on this earth. But just as we were reminded by the Psalmist in today’s Scripture, we are just human beings, but praise God, we serve an almighty, all-powerful God who is holy, righteous and perfect in every way. Besides that, You are very capable of hearing the prayers of Your people and blessing them with the sincere desires of their heart. You did it for me, Lord, and I know You will do it again for those who choose to accept Your offer of forgiveness, and for strength to endure and overcome every temptation that may come our way. May the ‘imperfect’ seek help, forgiveness and guidance from the only ‘perfect One’ today! AMEN!

FOOTNOTE: There are two more pages on my blog that will provide you with additional information, one of them being ‘To Know Jesus’. If you have been challenged to make a decision today after reading this devotional, please click on the above page, or speak with a local Bible Teaching Pastor, or contact me at Please allow someone to pray with you and give you help and/or encouragement as you begin, or continue your walk with Jesus. Words underlined in my blog might indicate a link to a song that came to mind as I wrote the devotional. Feel free to click on the link and listen as you continue to read or pray. If this devotional was forwarded to you and you would like to see more, please go to Nuggets From God’s Word and read more, or you may freely subscribe for a daily email conveniently containing each day’s devotional. You may also visit me on Spotify and listen to Nuggets while you’re out and about. I would encourage you to find a church home near by your home, and attend as frequently as you could. Get to know God, and allow His people to encourage and strengthen you in your Christian walk, while making every effort to be a blessing to them. God is at work among His people! Please consider growing in your faith, as you worship with fellow believers!

Pray For Godly Wisdom

DATE POSTED Monday, 2022-09-26
WRITTEN AT: Okeechobee, FL

SCRIPTURE FROM: Ephesians 1:15-17
TRANSLATION: Good News Translation (GNT)

BIBLE TEXT: 15 For this reason, ever since I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all of God’s people, 16 I have not stopped giving thanks to God for you. I remember you in my prayers 17 and ask the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, to give you the Spirit, who will make you wise and reveal God to you, so that you will know him. 

APPLICATION: As I read this Scripture today, I couldn’t help but think how different Paul’s teaching was, compared to what we hear at most of our churches today. I cringe when I hear preachers put down another pastor or a certain denomination. I despise that when I hear politicians do it in their political ads, and I especially dislike it when I hear it from our pulpits. Like Paul taught in this Scripture today, let the people hear of your faith and how well you are doing in following the example of Jesus Christ, not how well you do at bashing others who chose not to attend your church. Wouldn’t it be awesome for us to just preach and teach the Word of God and the awesome power that it has to save lives from the pit of Hell? You might remember what God said about His Word – it’s sharper than any two-edged sword and it will cut through the sin, mire and stubbornness that has congested the life of the sinner. It doesn’t need us pulling down the opponent so we could rise about their false teachings, pride and evil works. Wouldn’t it be a pleasing change for us to hear a pastor brag on, and rejoice in, the awesome work of his partner in the ministry just down the road from your church? Perhaps their faith is extremely great, or perhaps their love for their community is a pure example of the life and works of Jesus Christ; perhaps their giving for the work of Christ stands out in all of Christendom. Yes, I know that we are very divided in what other denominations believe, and teach about their understanding of the Bible, but did God put us in charge of pulling them down and trying to get them straight? Like Paul teaches us in today’s Scripture, let’s learn to lift up and encourage them in what they are doing well, based on their outward actions and the word on the streets about their teachings. Befriend that pastor, and try to discuss your differences as your relationship and trust develops, but bathe that in prayer so that your powerful God can help each of you to sharpen each other’s skills just like iron sharpens iron. Pray for godly wisdom for your pastor friend, and for yourself, so that you both will remain strong in the faith of our Lord Jesus, and not be swayed by denominational differences, accusations and resentment built up over the years. My desire is that all churches will work towards one goal, promoting the lordship of Jesus Christ, exposing sin as the enemy, and Jesus as the Victor – the only One that can save us from our sin and ready us for the glories of heaven. The reason why I despise pastor for criticizing other pastors, denomination and/or believers, is that it gives the appearance that we are opposed to the power of Jesus to do His job, so we jump in to do it for Him. Jesus gave us the job of winning the lost and challenging the saved, so they could go and win more souls. That’s a fulltime job for us, so let’s seek personal Godly wisdom and stick to the task at hand, God being our helper!

BLESSING(S) NOTED: Never stop giving thanks for the work of Jesus Christ – in our church, and in the churches around us. It’s all about God, not about pulling down another church to make us look good, or better.

PRAYER: Dear Jesus, thank You for giving Paul the wisdom to challenge us on an area that has crept into many ministries by Satan. We deal with it way too often at work, for we practice pulling down the opponent to make us look better. This has no place in Your church. Can you imagine the shock and surprised an unsaved person would have if they walked into a church and heard the pastor giving thanks for the ministry of the church down the road. I believe their eyes of doubt and questioning would be opened immediately, because they would know that this must be linked to this love of God that they’ve heard so much about, and now seeing in action. Lord God, I am keenly aware that this is not only a problem with pastors, for way too often we practice this individually, even at the disappointment of the sinner looking for the grace of God in us. Have Your will and way in our lives today Lord, may the world see You in everything that we do or say, and may they look to You and accept You in deepest sincerity, for all eternity. AMEN!

FOOTNOTE: There are two more pages on my blog that will provide you with additional information, one of them being ‘To Know Jesus’. If you have been challenged to make a decision today after reading this devotional, please click on the above page, or speak with a local Bible Teaching Pastor, or contact me at Please allow someone to pray with you and give you help and/or encouragement as you begin, or continue your walk with Jesus. Words underlined in my blog might indicate a link to a song that came to mind as I wrote the devotional. Feel free to click on the link and listen as you continue to read or pray. If this devotional was forwarded to you and you would like to see more, please go to Nuggets From God’s Word and read more, or you may freely subscribe for a daily email conveniently containing each day’s devotional. You may also visit me on Spotify and listen to Nuggets while you’re out and about. I would encourage you to find a church home near by your home, and attend as frequently as you could. Get to know God, and allow His people to encourage and strengthen you in your Christian walk, while making every effort to be a blessing to them. God is at work among His people! Please consider growing in your faith, as you worship with fellow believers!

Refresh The Hearts of Believers

DATE WRITTEN: Wednesday, 2022-09-21
WRITTEN AT: Okeechobee, FL

Bible Reference: Philemon 1:4-7
Translation: Voice Translation (Voice)

Bible Text: I am constantly thanking God for you in my prayers because I keep hearing about your love and faith toward our Lord Jesus and all those set apart for His purposes. Here’s what I’ve been praying on your behalf:
Thank You, Father, for Philemon. I pray that as he goes and tells his story of faith, he would tell everyone so that they will know for certain all the good that comes to those who put their trust in the Anointed One.
My brother, because you are out there encouraging and reviving the hearts of fellow saints with such love, this brings great joy and comfort to me.

OBSERVATION: In this translation, verse 7 reads that Philemon was encouraging and reviving the hearts of fellow saints. In the NLT, we are told that Paul was excited because Philemon refreshed the hearts of believers! Ever been complimented for that? Let’s meditate on how we might do that…

APPLICATION: I don’t believe there is anything more satisfying than to walk in on someone speaking something complimentary about you! I suppose the next best thing is probably to read the compliments on our character in a letter, email or newspaper. Unfortunately this hardly ever occurs until the time of our memorial service! Now, I realize that we never do the work of the Lord for man’s applause, but I also know that we each need encouraging from time to time. Paul’s applause to Philemon was all about the feedback that Paul was receiving from the church members that met in Philemon’s home. Friends, we must remember that as we strive diligently to live as an example of our Master and Lord, if no one around us notices, then how do you suppose we are doing? Philemon lived such a life of love in the presence of his congregants, that Paul likened it to something that we do to our computer screens when we ‘refresh‘ the screen! It’s like something that we diligently pray for in our churches, when we pray for ‘revival‘, for we want our hearts to be ‘refreshed‘ in the love of Jesus, and our spirits refreshed to the state of when we first met Jesus, when we fell deeply in love with Him for saving our soul. Friends, I believe that God would encourage us to not wait for our encouragement, before we bless the souls of those around us. Imagine, they may see the love of Jesus in us, even while they are alive to enjoy, and be blessed by it. They may be encouraged in knowing that Jesus is alive, and they may be rejuvenated in wanting to serve Christ even more fully. Friends, when we do the Lord’s work, we also will be encouraged. May we all learn to reach out to Jesus and desire a filling of His sweet Holy Spirit, so that His Spirit may flow through us and electrify anyone’s spirit who happens to come near us. People who need the Lord are constantly looking at those who say they have a personal relationship with Him, so they could see what a Jesus filled life looks like. How are you doing with that friend? Can others see enough of Jesus in you that they want to be around you, hoping that some of the joy and love that you exude would rub off on them! Draw close to God friend, and He will draw close to you. In fact, He will overfill your joy and love, so that others will want to know the source of it all!

PRAYER: Thank you Jesus for allowing Paul to encourage his Brother, Philemon, based on the great work that he saw from, and heard of, him. Thank You for speaking to our hearts through this Scripture today, so that our hearts might be overfilled and encouraged. May we be looking for avenues to encourage and share Your precious love with others. Please give us more love to share and many more opportunities in which to share that love with others. Draw the unsaved to Yourself Lord, and if my believing readers and listeners may be of service through some awesome act of love, then I beg You to please use us for Your service. Please have an impact on all those who will read this devotional today. AMEN!

FOOTNOTE: There are two more pages on my blog at that will provide you with additional information, one of them being ‘To Know Jesus’. If you have been challenged to make a decision today after reading or listening to this devotional, please go to the above page, or speak with a local Bible Teaching Pastor, or contact me at Please allow someone to pray with you and give you help and/or encouragement as you begin, or continue your walk with Jesus. If this devotional was forwarded to you and you would like to see more, please go to Nuggets From God’s Word and see all of my posts, or you may freely subscribe for a daily email conveniently containing each day’s devotional. I would encourage you to find a church home near by your home, and attend as frequently as you could. Get to know God, and allow His people to encourage and strengthen you in your Christian walk, while making every effort to be a blessing to them. God is at work among His people! Please consider growing in your faith, as you worship with fellow believers!

Experience Persistent Satisfaction

DATE POSTED Tuesday, 2022-09-20
WRITTEN AT: Okeechobee, FL

SCRIPTURE FROM: Pslam 119:1-8

BIBLE TEXT: Happy are all who perfectly follow the laws of God. Happy are all who search for God and always do his will, rejecting compromise with evil and walking only in his paths. You have given us your laws to obey— oh, how I want to follow them consistently. Then I will not be disgraced, for I will have a clean record. After you have corrected me, I will thank you by living as I should! will obey! Oh, don’t forsake me and let me slip back into sin again.

APPLICATION: From the time a child is born, we start teaching them right from wrong, we reward them for good behavior, and we frown upon unsatisfactory behavior. Primarily because we know, from experience, that a life of integrity where we try to do that which is acceptable, will result in a less stressful and much happier life. Frequently we must intervene and help our children recognize their wrong doings, or disobedience, and remind them of the joy that will come from living a life of obedience, goodwill, integrity towards the things and teachings of Almighty God, and praising Him for all that He showers on those who live according to His plan. I feel it is important to discern very early in life, and for its duration, that although we were not given a handbook on the right way to live, God went to great extremes in making sure that everything is included in His Word, the Bible, to help us live as men/women of integrity towards God and our fellow man. The neatest things is, that unlike a college professor might stand before us and bore us with unlimited facts, God revealed His truths through the life and times of His prophets and men/women of integrity who learned from His teachings. Many today are probably saying to Christians, ‘don’t tell me what to do and how to live, just SHOW me the difference God has made in your life’. Are you living that kind of life dear follower of Christ? We are so much like the Psalmist, where we awaken each day and run to the Word of God for correction on the things we did and said yesterday, while pleading for new and fresh revelations on how we can do it better today. Friends, each day brings its own challenges, for Satan will attack from every angle as he does his job to tear down, discourage, and destroy the child of God. Have you spent time in the Word today, so that God might strengthen and guide you through the wicked path that Satan is preparing for you today? Without this, my friend, you will follow the path of least resistance, and that will bring such sadness to our Master and Lord. Think about the Scripture today and try to understand the words I have shared with you. Pray that you will be blessed to live a live dedicated to God, a life of integrity, both in the church and in the world.

BLESSING(S) NOTED: Don’t forsake me Lord, I’m still a work in progress, under the perfect hand of Almighty God!

PRAYER: Too often, we stand before You, Jesus, and we commit to following Your perfect way and to live like You demonstrated for us, but then we face the world around us and we are quicky distracted to think and act like our old selves. Lord, we can only do this life in full obedience to Your will and way, in and through Your power, and when guided by You. We humbly ask that You guide our thoughts; soften our tongue to only speak in love and when guided by Your Spirit, so that the world will encounter You in every dealing with us. Draw our family and friends to You precious Lord, and use us in every way possible, is my humble plea today. AMEN!

FOOTNOTE: There are two more pages on my blog that will provide you with additional information, one of them being ‘To Know Jesus’. If you have been challenged to make a decision today after reading this devotional, please click on the above page, or speak with a local Bible Teaching Pastor, or contact me at Please allow someone to pray with you and give you help and/or encouragement as you begin, or continue your walk with Jesus. Words underlined in my blog might indicate a link to a song that came to mind as I wrote the devotional. Feel free to click on the link and listen as you continue to read or pray. If this devotional was forwarded to you and you would like to see more, please go to Nuggets From God’s Word and read more, or you may freely subscribe for a daily email conveniently containing each day’s devotional. You may also visit me on Spotify and listen to Nuggets while you’re out and about. I would encourage you to find a church home near by your home, and attend as frequently as you could. Get to know God, and allow His people to encourage and strengthen you in your Christian walk, while making every effort to be a blessing to them. God is at work among His people! Please consider growing in your faith, as you worship with fellow believers!

Stop, Reflect and Rest

DATE WRITTEN: Saturday, 2022-09-17
WRITTEN AT: Okeechobee, FL

BIBLE REFERENCE: 2 Timothy 4:6-8

BIBLE TEXT: I say this because I won’t be around to help you very much longer. My time has almost run out. Very soon now I will be on my way to heaven. I have fought long and hard for my Lord, and through it all I have kept true to him. And now the time has come for me to stop fighting and rest. In heaven a crown is waiting for me, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on that great day of his return. And not just to me but to all those whose lives show that they are eagerly looking forward to his coming back again.

APPLICATION: A few years ago, I retired after spending 47 years of my life in the banking industry. There were many times that I reflected over my job, and then at retirement my coworkers and supervisors celebrated with me, and we rejoiced over such things as my achievements and my devotion to my various bosses over the years. Wouldn’t it be great if we had such a time of reflection in our Christian walk about every 10 years, and take time to reflect and evaluate how effective we feel our time was in God’s work? Please note up front that our work in and of itself is worth nothing, but very often we will see that based on the condition of our heart, and the determination of our spirit, we will gladly get involved in the work of Christ in our family and in our community – especially our church family. In fact, this would help facilitate our reflection as we stand before God and respond to the question ‘why should I permit you to enter my heaven?’. These times of reflection here on earth help to remind us of where we were, how far we have come in our Christian walk, and seek God’s face on directing us to where we need to go, or what we need to do next. Have you advanced in the knowledge of God and His Word? Are you more at ease sharing the Gospel and your walk with the Lord, than you were 10 years ago? Do others tend to look at your Christian walk, and desire to be just like you? Do you feel like it is evident to the world who your Master is? Often, we are so busy about church work, that I’m afraid we don’t stop to reflect on where we are at personally in our walk with the Lord. Unfortunately, the two things are not synonymous, for one could busy themselves in church work, without spending time alone with God to enhance their own relationship with Him. You see, it is vitally important that church leaders reflect so much of Christ in their lives, that others will pay little attention to their leadership qualities or positions, but rather to their spiritual condition. When one sets a goal in life, the idea is that they will look towards that goal, and not the everyday hiccups that tend to knock us around while heading towards that goal. Paul’s goal was set on ultimately being in the presence of his Lord. What’s yours? Keeping your eye on your goal will help direct how you spend your days and hours reaching for that goal!

PRAYER: Precious Lord, take my hand, Lead me on, let me stand I am tired, I’m weak, I am worn, Through the storm, through the night, Lead me on to the light, Take my hand, precious Lord, Lead me home. My eyes are fixed on You dear Lord. While here on earth, please guide me on, so that I may represent You well and be an influence to others in search of You. For each reader today, please draw them close, take their hand and lead them on to draw closer to You. May our goal always be to reflect on You and to worship endlessly at Your feet in glory. AMEN!

FOOTNOTE: There are two more pages on my blog at that will provide you with additional information, one of them being ‘To Know Jesus’. If you have been challenged to make a decision today after reading or listening to this devotional, please go to the above page, or speak with a local Bible Teaching Pastor, or contact me at Please allow someone to pray with you and give you help and/or encouragement as you begin, or continue your walk with Jesus. If this devotional was forwarded to you and you would like to see more, please go to Nuggets From God’s Word and see all of my posts, or you may freely subscribe for a daily email conveniently containing each day’s devotional. I would encourage you to find a church home near by your home, and attend as frequently as you could. Get to know God, and allow His people to encourage and strengthen you in your Christian walk, while making every effort to be a blessing to them. God is at work among His people! Please consider growing in your faith, as you worship with fellow believers!

How God Attracts Our Attention

DATE POSTED Friday, 2022-09-16
WRITTEN AT: Okeechobee, FL

SCRIPTURE FROM: 2 Samuel 24:1-3

BIBLE TEXT: The Lord became angry with Israel again, so he provoked David to turn against Israel. He said, “Go, count Israel and Judah.”
King David said to Joab, the commander of the army who was with him, “Go throughout the tribes of Israel from Dan to Beersheba and count the people. That way I will know how many there are.”
Joab responded to the king, “May the Lord your God multiply the people a hundred times over, and may Your Majesty ⌞live⌟ to see it. But why does Your Majesty wish to do this?”

APPLICATION: In the last few years my eyes of understanding have been enlightened to imagine how hurricanes, or weather systems are steered. We hear the meteorologists talk about the direction a hurricane is traveling and when it is expected to arrive at certain points. It sounds almost like the system has engines and a rudder to make it move forward and steer it in the path we see on our weather apps! But I was enlightened by God to see these systems as a floating ball of cotton that will move only when forced by the surrounding winds. Through computers and a long history of weather patterns, meteorologists are aided in predicting the speed and direction in which a hurricane should travel. So, in seeing the hand of God at work in weather systems, don’t you sometime wonder how God must direct our path each day? We know He does, because many of you have done like me and surrendered our will over to Him for His leading and His ministry through us. In today’s Scripture it looks like God may have led David into a path intended to harm his nation. But let me draw your attention to another Scripture that speaks to this story. In 1 Chronicles 21 you will see where this whole idea of taking a census actually came from Satan. Notice that our Scripture says that ‘he’ (lowercase ‘h’ – meaning Satan) provoked David…. God saw David once again take his eyes off Him, and the promise He made to David about giving him a nation of people – more than the number of stars he could see at night! God also saw how David allowed his past personal achievements to impact him in his future successes. David evaluated the number of military men available to him, rather than the unlimited awesome power of Almighty God. But isn’t that so much like our story today? As long as we feel like we could personally handle something, we eliminate the need for God, and pursue our battles alone. Friends, God became very angry with David and gave him three choices for his punishment, each of which were drastic in nature. God may still steer us into making choices for our punishment, but can you imagine the feeling of irresponsibility in making our Creator, God Almighty, upset or mad with us? Isn’t it horrible that we do that almost every day of our lives when, as children of God, we know His commands, understand His will for us, and yet we still do our own thing anyway? Friend of God, it is so very clear from the Bible that God loves us more than we could comprehend. Under conviction, we are humbled by the love of the God of this universe who, in spite of our sin, yet He sent His own Son to facilitate our eternity in Heaven with Him. Please consider surrendering your evil mind that invites Satan to have his way in your life, and instead allow the love of God to indwell, mold and lead you into His will and way, God being your helper.

BLESSING(S) NOTED: That we might be fully dedicated and sold out to the lordship of Jesus Christ. Satan is constantly on the prowl for whomever he might devour and/or mislead. Only the power of God can fight the forces of evil that strives to pull us down!

PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, the Father saw the challenge we were having to overcome sin, so He sent You to save those willing to surrender their all to You. We are forever grateful for your mercy and Your love towards us, and we sincerely pray that You will direct us towards being awesome representatives of Yours before a lost and dying world. Thank You Lord for your Holy Word and for using it to steer our walk in this life, for Your kingdom’s sake. Sheild us from the evil one and lead us into the path You would have us take each day. AMEN!

FOOTNOTE: There are two more pages on my blog that will provide you with additional information, one of them being ‘To Know Jesus’. If you have been challenged to make a decision today after reading this devotional, please click on the above page, or speak with a local Bible Teaching Pastor, or contact me at Please allow someone to pray with you and give you help and/or encouragement as you begin, or continue your walk with Jesus. Words underlined in my blog might indicate a link to a song that came to mind as I wrote the devotional. Feel free to click on the link and listen as you continue to read or pray. If this devotional was forwarded to you and you would like to see more, please go to Nuggets From God’s Word and read more, or you may freely subscribe for a daily email conveniently containing each day’s devotional. You may also visit me on Spotify and listen to Nuggets while you’re out and about. I would encourage you to find a church home near by your home, and attend as frequently as you could. Get to know God, and allow His people to encourage and strengthen you in your Christian walk, while making every effort to be a blessing to them. God is at work among His people! Please consider growing in your faith, as you worship with fellow believers!

Never Tire of Doing Good

DATE POSTED Thursday, 2022-09-15
WRITTEN AT: Okeechobee, FL

SCRIPTURE FROM: Galatians 6:9-10
TRANSLATION: Amplified Bible (AMP)

BIBLE TEXT: Let us not grow weary or become discouraged in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap, if we do not give in. 10 So then, while we [as individual believers] have the opportunity, let us do good to all people [not only being helpful, but also doing that which promotes their spiritual well-being], and especially [be a blessing] to those of the household of faith (born-again believers).

APPLICATION: It has become so much of a satisfaction to give financially to missions, to outreach groups, to evangelists, and to neighborhood help groups. But I’m not so sure that Paul would agree with you that your rewards will be based on the amount you give to these groups. To test this for yourself, let me suggest that you try going on a mission’s trip, instead of just giving financially to the group that goes. Instead of giving so much advice, or giving food to neighbor outreach groups, try going with them, if only for one day, and hand out food, or pray with those in need. If you do this, I believe you will quickly develop a whole new sense of how blessed you truly are, and how desperate the needs are in our community. I love this Bible translation and how it promotes not just handing out stuff to those in need, but also encouraging them spiritually. Yes, you can pay a minister of the Gospel to go with your mission’s group and help in the spiritual needs of those recipients your group is aiming at, but what impact will that have on your soul, your conscience, your mind? Compare that to returning from a trip feeling overwhelmed by the needs and seeing repeatedly the faces of those that you encouraged while you were with them. You saw them, you spoke with them, you felt their need. You could never achieve that through simply handing the Mission’s Team member a $50 bill. Friends, when we witness first-hand how God returns to us one hundred-fold for all that we do in His name, we will then fix our minds on the soul of men instead of fighting inflation and trying to maximize our bank account. Paul challenged the church, you and I, to be cognizant of the needs right in our very own churches. Strangers walk into our doors not to see how we are blessed by the God that we worship and adore, but to see how real our God truly is, and how He reflects His love and His power through you and I. What do you suppose they walk away thinking after their encounter with you? Did they truly see God’s amazing work, and His love and concern for mankind? Hopefully they didn’t see our selfish desires, or our pride still very prevalent in our words and actions. If they did, then perhaps they will walk into the church down the road to continue their search for ‘real’ Christians/followers of Christ. When Jesus rode along the road on a donkey and heard a blind man shouting out for help, Jesus didn’t hold his hand out from the 100′ mark and heal the man, instead He went over to this ‘reject of society’, asked him of his need, and healed Him. May this stir our minds to ‘jump in there’ and personally help in the needs of those in our church, along the path we travel each day, or buried deep in the trenches of our community. Paul said, let us not grow weary in doing this.

BLESSING(S) NOTED: There is no greater satisfaction than standing in the presence of Almighty God with a clear conscience because you have done all that He has asked of you. This includes being His hands extended to the poor and destitute that we come into contact with on a daily basis.

PRAYER: Precious Lord, please help us to see what You see. You know exactly what we need, yet You respect us and ask us to verbalize our needs before You. Too often we tend to see the needs and then try to find ways to brush off the urgency of the need or the reasons why we shouldn’t help. Please Lord, help us to always see people and their needs in much the same way as You first saw our need and then helped us arrive at a state where we sought Your help, forgiveness and love. People still need the Lord. Additionally, people have needs that the world would rather leave for the government to satisfy, but I pray that You will help us Lord to reach out and touch those in need. May our love and Your forgiveness be more than enough to help those we come into contact with. As they see Jesus at work in the lives of those they recognize as Christians, may they also reach out to You Lord to assume control of their lives. AMEN!

FOOTNOTE: There are two more pages on my blog that will provide you with additional information, one of them being ‘To Know Jesus’. If you have been challenged to make a decision today after reading this devotional, please click on the above page, or speak with a local Bible Teaching Pastor, or contact me at Please allow someone to pray with you and give you help and/or encouragement as you begin, or continue your walk with Jesus. Words underlined in my blog might indicate a link to a song that came to mind as I wrote the devotional. Feel free to click on the link and listen as you continue to read or pray. If this devotional was forwarded to you and you would like to see more, please go to Nuggets From God’s Word and read more, or you may freely subscribe for a daily email conveniently containing each day’s devotional. You may also visit me on Spotify and listen to Nuggets while you’re out and about. I would encourage you to find a church home near by your home, and attend as frequently as you could. Get to know God, and allow His people to encourage and strengthen you in your Christian walk, while making every effort to be a blessing to them. God is at work among His people! Please consider growing in your faith, as you worship with fellow believers!

Miracles In Return For Unhindered Determination

DATE POSTED Tuesday, 2022-09-13
WRITTEN AT: Okeechobee, FL

TRANSLATION: New Living Translation (NLT)

BIBLE TEXT: Saturday evening, when the Sabbath ended, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome went out and purchased burial spices so they could anoint Jesus’ body. Very early on Sunday morning, just at sunrise, they went to the tomb. On the way they were asking each other, “Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance to the tomb?” But as they arrived, they looked up and saw that the stone, which was very large, had already been rolled aside. When they entered the tomb, they saw a young man clothed in a white robe sitting on the right side….

APPLICATION: I felt a strong sense of God speaking to me about the excuses we make for not visiting with Him more often, both personally and corporately. Look with me at a few things mentioned in this Scripture:
-*- Vs 1 – ‘…The women went out to purchase burial spices….‘ – This tells me that they had determined in their minds that they were going to visit the gravesite of their Lord and spend some time there. In buying the spices, I believe this showed that nothing, nor anyone would stop their planned visit. What if every Saturday night we were just as determined to be with Jesus and His people the next day, and that nothing, nor anyone would stop that visit?
-*- Vs 2 – ‘very early on Sunday morning….‘ – No distractions that might come their way would hinder their trip to the tomb. Top priority items are first and foremost for these ladies. Notice there were no excuses like we hear today – ‘but that’s my only day to sleep in’, or ‘That’s the only day I have to take my family to the beach (if you live near the beach)’, or ‘I’m not a morning person, so unless the church service starts after 10:30am will you expect to see me there’, and on and on.
-*- Vs 3 – ‘On the way they were asking each other, “Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance to the tomb?‘ – Notice that this huge stone was not a consideration or hindrance in preparing for the trip or leaving home on the trip. It may have been a huge stone, but these ladies seemed to have considered this to be a small problem considering who they were going to worship and make burial preparation for. I believe I am very diligent in attending worship services, but this point hit me hard, for time and time again we let so many little things become ‘huge stones’ that stand as an impassable obstacle for us to worship with fellow believers.
-*- Vs 4 – ‘…the stone, which was very large, had already been rolled aside…‘ Can’t you see the glee on the faces of the women as they rejoiced over the way that even in the death of His Son, yet God moved ‘mountains’ so they could attend to His precious Son? This reminded me that when I surrender whatever obstacles may be in the way of me attending corporate worship, it is with such joy, and so praiseworthy, to later look back and see how God took care of the obstacles or ‘mountains’ because I was determined to not let them hinder me!
-*- Vs 5 – ‘When they entered the tomb, they saw a young man…‘ Later in the story this young man was referred to as an angel. I felt like God had even thought to provide a welcoming party for these ladies to feel at ease and comfortable while visiting with their deceased Master. I really don’t want to miss the angel that God has waiting for me at our worship service next Sunday, do you?
Some will read this passage of Scripture and become satisfied that they have read their Scripture for today. Praise God, He used this to open up some real-life challenges and experiences that we face today, and He showed me that if these three women had the tenacity to meet their challenges head-on, then I could also. I pray that God spoke to you in a very special way today, and that this will always be a reminder to you anytime Satan tries to help you find excuses to stay at a distance to your Lord and/or His people.

BLESSING(S) NOTED: Be as determined as these three women were in going to the grave of Jesus, and be ready to rejoice every step along the way as I see God at work, for my good and for His glory!

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, I am thankful that because You died; was buried; and rose again; I can be assured that my sin has been forgiven and buried because of Your forgiveness. Praise God, I can stand boldly in righteousness before your throne. Thank You Lord for opening my heart and my eyes as I read this familiar story today. To be reminded of the commitment by these dear women, helps me to stand firm in my faith and be committed to stand for Christ in every circumstance of life. It is way too easy to find excuses. You have provided the way for us to live eternally with You, and I thank You for that. Lord Jesus. Please remind us daily to walk in the way You have set before us and to always be determined to fulfill all that we set out to do for Your kingdom’s sake. AMEN!

FOOTNOTE: There are two more pages on my blog that will provide you with additional information, one of them being ‘To Know Jesus’. If you have been challenged to make a decision today after reading this devotional, please click on the above page, or speak with a local Bible Teaching Pastor, or contact me at Please allow someone to pray with you and give you help and/or encouragement as you begin, or continue your walk with Jesus. Words underlined in my blog might indicate a link to a song that came to mind as I wrote the devotional. Feel free to click on the link and listen as you continue to read or pray. If this devotional was forwarded to you and you would like to see more, please go to Nuggets From God’s Word and read more, or you may freely subscribe for a daily email conveniently containing each day’s devotional. You may also visit me on Spotify and listen to Nuggets while you’re out and about. I would encourage you to find a church home near by your home, and attend as frequently as you could. Get to know God, and allow His people to encourage and strengthen you in your Christian walk, while making every effort to be a blessing to them. God is at work among His people! Please consider growing in your faith, as you worship with fellow believers!

Rewards For Seeking Righteousness and Purity

DATE POSTED Monday, 2022-09-12
WRITTEN AT: Okeechobee, FL

SCRIPTURE FROM: 2 Samuel 22:21-25

BIBLE TEXT: 21     The Eternal One rewarded me because I sought righteousness;
        He rewarded me because I kept my hands clean.
22     He rewarded me because I kept the ways of the Eternal
        and have not walked away from my True God in wickedness.
23     For all His laws were there before me,
        and I did not push His statutes away.
24     I made myself blameless before Him;
        I kept myself from guilt and shame.
25     That’s why the Eternal has rewarded me for seeking righteousness;
        He’s rewarded me because He sees I have remained pure.

APPLICATION: Standing before the righteous God of this universe and presenting yourself as innocent, pure and righteous is a bold step. For God knows: every word we speak, and the underlying thoughts while saying those words; every action we perform and the, often, ulterior motives we sometimes have for our actions; and every thought that we have, whether acted upon or not. Many of us have pretty much perfected the way that we present ourselves to the public, for we have a certain image that we want them to see in us, but God knows our heart, soul and mind. In fact, the closer we get to God, the more we become aware of how far we have drifted away from Him; how our attitudes suck; how many of our actions are probably frowned upon by God. But Satan is good at promoting these reasons right in our face whenever we even think we are righteous, innocent or pure in the sight of God. This is where we could then do like Jesus did on the mountain when tempted by Satan, we could quote 2 Corinthians 5:21 or Revelation 12:10, that assures us that we are righteous because of Jesus Christ, our Savior, who was perfect in every way. Friends, I don’t believe that we could ever be used wholeheartedly by God in this world until we have developed a deep relationship with God and acknowledge that it is only because of the righteousness of Jesus Christ that we could ever be righteous. So whenever you are questioned about your claim to righteousness, say what David taught us in verse 22 above: Praise God, I have not walked away from the true righteousness of God! I believe it is more important today than ever before that we determine in our hearts who we will follow for the rest of our days on earth, then seek the help of God to carry out our desire to serve Him faithfully throughout all eternity. As stated above, God knows all about us, but of equal importance is that others here on earth are watching. Your actions will help them decide their course of action for their lives. I pray that they will see enough of Jesus in you, and they will determine in their heart to surrender lordship of their life to Jesus and seek to serve Him until the end of time here.

BLESSING(S) NOTED: It is only because of Jesus that we could ever be considered righteous in the sight of God! Praise God for getting my attention and drawing me to His Son for forgiveness of my sin! Praise God, I’m redeemed, saved and considered righteous by Him!

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, You opened the doors of heaven for us, and we are forever thankful for that. We praise You for such awesome examples as David, to whom You portrayed Yourself powerfully. Like David, I pray that we will stop for a few minutes of our busy lives each day to commune with You, through intake from Bible study, and through output in prayer and communication with You. We have so much to praise You for Lord, but living in this world gives us urgency of need, encouragement, reassurance, wisdom and love from You each and every day. Lord, we want to be just like You in our speech, attitude, thought and actions, and we can only do that by fully acknowledging the source of our power and righteousness on a regular basis. We humble ourselves at Your feet, Lord, and we stand ready and willing to accept Your direction, so that the lost will see Jesus in action every time they make contact with us. AMEN!

FOOTNOTE: There are two more pages on my blog that will provide you with additional information, one of them being ‘To Know Jesus’. If you have been challenged to make a decision today after reading this devotional, please click on the above page, or speak with a local Bible Teaching Pastor, or contact me at Please allow someone to pray with you and give you help and/or encouragement as you begin, or continue your walk with Jesus. Words underlined in my blog might indicate a link to a song that came to mind as I wrote the devotional. Feel free to click on the link and listen as you continue to read or pray. If this devotional was forwarded to you and you would like to see more, please go to Nuggets From God’s Word and read more, or you may freely subscribe for a daily email conveniently containing each day’s devotional. You may also visit me on Spotify and listen to Nuggets while you’re out and about. I would encourage you to find a church home near by your home, and attend as frequently as you could. Get to know God, and allow His people to encourage and strengthen you in your Christian walk, while making every effort to be a blessing to them. God is at work among His people! Please consider growing in your faith, as you worship with fellow believers!

Your Character Will Reflect Who Controls Your Life

DATE POSTED Saturday, 2022-09-10
WRITTEN AT: Okeechobee, FL

SCRIPTURE FROM: Galatians 5:24-26
TRANSLATION: New Living Translation (NLT)

BIBLE TEXT: 24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them there. 25 Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives. 26 Let us not become conceited, or provoke one another, or be jealous of one another.

APPLICATION: It appears like Paul was one who sought to simplify the message of God so that his audience would have no excuse to continue their old life. The Pharisees taught things to promote themselves and the Jewish law, so learning about Jesus and the characteristics taught by Paul, was a real challenge by the Galatian church. I’m sure that many will ponder why I don’t use just one version/translation of the Bible in my blog. Friends, I spend a lot of time making sure that I find the version that best explains a teaching of Christ in its simplest form. I aim at sharing the Word so that most readers could finally rejoice in saying ‘yes, I finally understand what that Scripture means’! In this particular chapter, Paul goes into depth to help the Galatians understand how they could identify their master, and because I believe that God inspired this author to pen these words, I also believe that He wanted these words printed so that those who follow – you and I, would have access to the same teaching that God inspired Paul to do. In the above verses, Paul shows a distinction between the character of one, before they invite Jesus into their lives, and then what everyone should look for in the Character of one who claims they are led by the Holy Spirit. In verse 23 Paul basically apologized for repeating this teaching, but because it served the important purpose of helping one live according to the life they have personally committed to, then he was at ease in repeating his teaching. By now, you are probably anxious to know what the Bible, or Paul in particular, teaches that would help us identify who controls our life. I will gladly share this with you:
Those who follow the sinful nature will reflect these characteristics, according to earlier verses: 19 When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, the results are very clear: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, 20 idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, 21 envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins like these. In other words, before one comes under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, their lives are uncontrolled, and they therefore feel like they could do anything they want, even if they break the teachings of God. Paul warned that these folk will not inherit eternal life in Heaven but will spend eternity with their chosen master – Satan.
Those who are led by the Holy Spirit will reflect these characteristics of God as they characterize this teaching: 22 But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control. Paul taught that there is no law against these things, so one would never need to worry about the worldly legal system, but instead live expecting the warm and loving greeting of their Master when they graduate from this world to heaven.
Christians, I encourage you to keep a close eye on the list in vs 19-22. Anytime you see an inclination of those characteristics sneaking into your life, it’s time to draw closer to God and ask for His powerful hand to redirect you to His good graces as He draws you closer to Him.
Unbelievers, please allow me to encourage you to allow God to direct your path so that you could be all that He intended for you. Don’t settle for the ordinary and feel helpless to do any better. As a child of the King – my King, He is longing to love on you, bless you with His character, and guide you into being all that He needs you to be, so that He may be glorified through you. Yes, there is more to life than the natural tendency to act like Paul described in vs 19-21, but you must recognize that you are a sinner, and invite Jesus to be Lord of your life instead. A local Bible-teaching pastor will gladly help you in this quest, or you may email me, and I will be happy to help.

BLESSING(S) NOTED: With God’s help and through His power, we could live as He commands in His Word. I believe the world needs more truly committed and devoted saints today!

PRAYER: Lord, I pray that every man, woman and child who may read this devotional today will be touched by You. Please infused them with such a strong conviction, that they will strive to get over their natural tendencies that are pushed by Satan and his contemporaries, and instead place their faith and trust in You, Jesus, for a new and rewarding life that leads to eternity in Heaven. For every saint that will read or listen to this devotional, I pray the Lord will encourage you to watch your behavior and your characteristics closely to ensure that He is shining through you in every act and word. There is only one way into heaven, and I am thankful dear God that You sent us Your Son to provide that means. Please direct our path and instill in us the characteristics that will show the world what Jesus really looks like. We are anxious for Your return Lord Jesus, please have Your will and way in our lives while we serve and represent You here on earth. AMEN!

FOOTNOTE: There are two more pages on my blog that will provide you with additional information, one of them being ‘To Know Jesus’. If you have been challenged to make a decision today after reading this devotional, please click on the above page, or speak with a local Bible Teaching Pastor, or contact me at Please allow someone to pray with you and give you help and/or encouragement as you begin, or continue your walk with Jesus. Words underlined in my blog might indicate a link to a song that came to mind as I wrote the devotional. Feel free to click on the link and listen as you continue to read or pray. If this devotional was forwarded to you and you would like to see more, please go to Nuggets From God’s Word and read more, or you may freely subscribe for a daily email conveniently containing each day’s devotional. You may also visit me on Spotify and listen to Nuggets while you’re out and about. I would encourage you to find a church home near by your home, and attend as frequently as you could. Get to know God, and allow His people to encourage and strengthen you in your Christian walk, while making every effort to be a blessing to them. God is at work among His people! Please consider growing in your faith, as you worship with fellow believers!